Letting some things out...

Apr 21, 2006 22:54

This is me venting. If what you have to say is negative I really don't want to hear it. I'm just letting somethings out.

*As much as I hate admitting It " I still love him ".
*I miss him and wish he wasn't with " her "
*I don't really want to ever be with him again, I just don't want anyone to be with him.
*I don't want anyone else to be " his world " because I was his for so long.
*I guess I miss what we could have been..not what we were.
*I just loved him so much and I still do and I don't feel like he deserves it..I guess.
*I feel how I feel no matter what but It sucks to still love that person..despite what happened.
*I wish It could all be redone..because part of me will aLwAyS love him and that is scary.

I want so badly to find someone so amazing. Someone who loves me for me. Someone who I get along with. Someone who is byfar my best friend. Someone I could not live without. I want that loving relationship. I want that comfort.

I also really think I need to learn how to build a relationship. The one's I have been in have started wrong. It started with lust and passion and not trust and loyalty. I'm scared the next relationship will fuck up because I have trouble communicating when I am unhappy. I enjoy the pleasure of sexual encounters but I need to remember there are other more important things when you are in a relaionship.

I think the best thing for me is to stay away from guys right now..because the ones I am attracted to are the wrong kind of guys and all I do is fall for them and get hurt. The good ones probably approach but I don't even notice them. Story of my life eh?\

By the way. I love and miss my Papa. I wish so badly he could be at my graduation.
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