Dec 14, 2004 20:25
hiiii..well 2day in skool wasnt that bad. i had a coughin fit in the auditorium while every1 was sayin the act of contrition..i couldnt face was all red n my eyes were the dude let me out to get some water. steve looked so cute 2day in his bowlin shirt. after skool i went with him to his house then we went to his game. i think he did really good..good job steve u make me proud! i liked it there it was fun. of course they won. the other team looked so ugly n young it was pretty funny. puffy ahaha steve..ohhh funny. then after i went home n wished my mommy a happy birthday and gave her her present and she likes it. its a shirt that i am going to borrow one day lol. shes so cute. i fell asleep n mare came in n jumped right in my face n woke me up..i was like go awayyyy. then i drove to dancin skool. i took a new way n it was interesting. dancin skool was so gay tho it makes me so mad..hes makin us do all kinds of jumps n turns n shit..i can barely do them i can just dance n be all fancy turns n corny shit. after dancin mares dad picked us up n drove us to the diner where every1 was. i was a little hyper. then after steve drove every1 home n him pat kept friggen fartin loll dirtballs. thenn we parked n yea..we made out..n i loved it!! haha..i had a reallyyyyyyy really great feeling wen i was with him tho..all day i did..but 2nite omg..i love him so much i just dont think anybody is ever going to understand just how much i do. well i got home at like 11:17 n my dog barked really loud n woke up my dad ahah it was pretty funny cuz he jumped n u would of laughed. now im online talking toooo....STEVE!! haha..ok well bye