Nov 02, 2004 01:12
Wow, so much is fucked up right now. I most definetely had a kickass time getting drunk 2 days in a row (and not throwing up once i might add), and i somewhat got a piece of ass. *winks* But the aftermath of the nights have been deeply disturbing. I can truly say i have never been so disgusted by people's actions as i have been today. When i found out the full story i started crying because it shocked me so much. You both know who you are and you both know what the fuck you did. If you ever, EVER dare as to try and hurt my friend again, you will truly see what a bitch I can be. Because trust me, you haven't seen a thing.
P.S. Learn how to clean up after yourself. I mean, eww.
NEXT..... I don't know who the hell this hanson kid is, but I am sick and tired of being told what a bitch I am, because i didn't invite Sly's girlfriend. If there is anyone to be mad at, it's him, not me.
On a lighter note... THE FAINT CONCERT IN 17 DAYS!!!!!!!! **dances crazily around the room**
oh well. Time for a drink!