Yesterday, my pup of almost a year started limping..So, my dad called the lady we bought him from, who happens to be a vet, and said to take him in for a check up..
Well, my doggie has this thing called Hip Dysplasia. It's a deformity of the hip which occurs during growth, caused by genetics and/or diet. Today's check up was $400, and he isn't going to get any better. Which means-more check-ups, which means, way more money to be spent. The treatment we are doing isn't going to help much, and if they do surgery on his femur/pelvis--it'll be a grand total of $5,000. The surgery doesnt guarentee anything. So basically, we're faced with a huge dilemma. The god isn't going to get any better. So-we are contemplating putting him to sleep sometime soon, or giving him back to the lady..
This sucks. I love this dog so much. What makes me feel even worse is that this dog was my dads life. My dad was completely obsessed with it. We got it on his birthday, and just..the love my dad, and all of us have for that dog, is immense. My daddy said he wanted to grow old with his doggy...gosh...I don't know what im supposed to do when he's gone..=[ Hm, on the way outta my neighborhood today, saw a lady walking a doggy just like Bruno, and of course cry baby me, started crying. Then on my way to leo's--passed by the vetenarian..and it just so happens that a buncha dogs and their owners were taking training classes outside in the front of the vet. Of course-Jessie starts crying a river. I dont know guys..this is so hard for me. I've never had someone close to me die, so even a doggy is a huge deal for me.
I just hope he's not in pain any longer. And if it means putting him to sleep..then i guess thats what we gotta do. I love you Bruno.. <333 check out some pics of him.
<3 jessie