Apr 17, 2006 17:48
I’ve got to go to class soon, I’ve got to finish my biology assignment soon, I’ve got to get a hold of Millie soon, I’ve go t to get one last conversation out of Rebel soon, all of this needs to be done soon because the seconds wont stop slipping away. I am seeing this part of life coming to a close, it’s funny and not funny because I’ve known it to be like this for years now. Imagine a pie graph, I’m at about 98 percent now, in a few months I’ll be in France. After that who knows. It’s a reality away from reality. Like I’m finally living after 18 years of searching. I know that I’m only 18, but it feels like I’ve been around for years. Isn’t the feeling that you’ve only got now, something that you aren’t supposed to start feeling until you’ve lived out your life? Visits from friends, visits from the past. You’ve only got the present, no drugs will help you out of this squeeze. This is it, this is life, this is the beginning of the end of the line.