I Hate Everything About Waiting

Mar 19, 2005 15:55

Tonight I'm going to my cousins hockey game!..should be fun i guess i never see him and his team is doing really good..i guess they are in the state-quater finals right now..or something like that..i just know that there team is really good and if they keep winning that they could win states!..yey that would be exciting and a good way to end his senior year! i think that he is going to Michigan State next year for collage!..that will be kool hopefully i will get to see him more!

Nothing really good happened at skool today just the same ole same ole...going to classes and trying to stay awake..spanish was pretty fun tho..that Thomas his is way funny!!..i don't even know where he learned to do that voice but it was way funny! Im starting to like that class more and more bc now that I know ppl its not as awkward to find a partner for projects!

ne way im gonna do some complaining so get ready..you can skip this if ya want
>>> I Hate it when people in the lunch room through food..its like dude just eat it
>>> I Hate surprises!
>>> I Hate not knowing
>>> I Hate it when I just have to sit there watching you guys
>>> I Hate it when I feel left out or out of the loop
>>> I Hate it when my house is cold
>>> And I totally Hate it when no matter what I do you still wont tell me....I would tell you and you know that..maybe its for my own good but still I would really rather know!..but w/e..I guess I'll just wait..I've kinda gotten used to waiting guess it won't hurt me to wait some more!

OK well i think that I have to go..bye bye and I will b on l8er!
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