Oct 02, 2005 22:23
Such a fucking good weekend.
Friday night was actually really boring. I had a speech meeting and then attempted practice which failed because I dont give a fuck. Me n Janee met up with Ryan, Shara, n Jason and got stoned. Sat around a bit. Watched parts of movies at my house. Fell asleep.
Saturday and most of today were the best days ever. I went to the apple fest with my mom ate good food. Weinstein called me and made me really happy. He had just woken up and tyhe first thing he did was call me. He was in town this weekend and we hung out all last night and today when I wasnt at work. Got shit for hc yesterday. Still need shoes. Picked up Kelly. Met up with Weinstein at Hooters. So weird. They got a bunch of bud. Zachs window broke. It was humerous but bad. Got glass in my hand. Jessica met us. Dropped Kelly off. Went to a party. Jessica left. Smoked a shit load. Had lots and lots of fun. Went to Weinsteins after and stayed there till 3:30. Had to wake up at 11 to see if I was working. I was from 1-5. Got ready and went to Weinsteins for a bit. Worked. Me n Nicole bitched about how much we hate it there. I hit my wrist and scraped/bruised it. Also got bit by a bug on my pinky. Left and went to meet with Weinstain before he left. I love that kid soooooooo much and miss him to death. It made me so happy to see him all weekend. I told him and my mom that I am going down to visit him soon. He said its cool. Yay. Hung out with BJ, Jon, n everyone. My tummy hurts now.
Ive been a very very happy Kate all weekend. So excited and all that. Smoked out of my bowl a lot (yup, I finally bought one). Its been so good and my friends make me so happy. I love them all. Homecoming is becoming more and more drama as it gets closer to next weekend. Its all just crap. Me n Janee have no idea whats going on anymore but fuck it. We can have our own good time.
I need to go do homework and shit now. I really dont want to becuase I didnt take my concerta today so I have to go like force myself. Oh I just cant stop smiling and being happy and giddy. Oh joyous. Love you all...
ps there this huge buzzing flying insect in my computer room and Im really not liking it