
Mar 06, 2004 22:40

I know..it's been a while, but I have come, to please your greedy-ass needs...


Ha. Kiss my ass Mystic River.

Everyonje was amazing. Annie Lennox was great..Howard Shore was..well, I think we all know...Fran's hair was wacked but still none-the-less, I'm so happy for them, and there my hereos. In other news..Peter was wearing shoes..
OMG..Billy Crysta was hilarious..they cut out his face and put it on Legolas'..hahaha..AND Joan actaully showed sympathy for once..Although is very hard to see through all plastic surgery..I mean think about it..How can you tell if someone is being nice, if their forhead is so tight there are no lines..?!

Hey, sorry there Joan..someone had to say it, O well..I hope she's nice to me, when it's my turn..and now that everyone in New Zealand has officially been thanked, and Johnny Depp still is a sexy bitch..

Whoa..I know this is old news but, My *Boys* looked so beautiful..and Dom still had some black nailpolish ;-) You know how I like my men..Wonderful..and HARD!

Wow..that sounded really wrong..BUT I did start to make this AWESOME SITE, THAT COST 95 UP THE ASS DOLLARS. But hey, me and katie are paying..and it's worth it...honestly it's not a shit site..it cost money..obviously some good must come from it...

Dana's sister Lauren slaved over the computer for hours making our enter sign. Ha. Silly bint. Nice, funny, makes our websites..awesome bint. Watery tart.

Sorry, just felt like saying that..but HONESTLY this site is the shit. Check it out. http://hobbitsandanelf.com

hmmm...note to self: Chicken soup is also the shit.

Of the day:

Word: toxic
In a Sentence: I'm addicted to Lij/Dom/Bill/Orli..?..b/c they know that they're toxic...take that Britney..
Person: BILLEH!..ah shit.. I lied..Dom...actaully, lets be different today. I say FRAN WALSH!
Song: ~Toxic~
Quote: Luck be a ladie tonight!!!..don't ask

Wow, that was good porn. Yes, Dana's house is officail place to watch porn.
I also saw emu's.
Emu's are cute..

Not really they freak me out. EMMMMUUUU

fare the well...
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