This week has been very long. Personally I believe the wrong person won the election *coughs* but that's just me. I suppose there's nothing we can do about it now, except just live with it XP ...
On a better note LOST was amazing this week. I have to say, the flashbacks are my favorite part of the show, of course flashbacks with Dom are even better XD When Charlie first starts taking the drugs I think I screamed out 'OMG NO!' then I realized my mom was watching my from the kitchen *walks away*
Bunniewabbit posted these wonderful pics of Fon (pippin's scale double) and other cast members =)
Also, some more EE pics (for those of us who can't wait ;)
Here And thank you to _skulking_ for this idea. I never thought about sending holiday cards out to LJ friends, so I thought I'd make a poll. *Yay for paid account* Out of plain curiosity how many of you would want a card from me If I sent them out. Don't feel bad if you say yes or no (I'm not asking for your address or anything, hell I may not even send cards out) I just honestly want see the results of the poll <33
Poll EDIT: AHH! LJ has been having 'technical difficulties' for almost 5 hours on and off (for those of us on subcluster 4) Please save me XP