So, I just got back from Pennsylvania, and it was pretty good. It had a lot of cool shops, and of course, the fact that I just love getting away made it great. BUT THE BEST store was the "Medieval shop" which had LOTR stuff like you wouldn't believe..they had everything from Legolas' and Arwens costumes, and sting, the shards of Narsil etc..etc.. Anyway, there I *finally* got my mini- Narsil (that I was suppose to get for x-mas, but didn't) so that really made me happy.
Now of course, to the icons! Only 7 this time, nothing really special, and natrually (as all my icon making goes) for some strange reason my icons are always looking different. You know the rules, enjoy! :-D
I'm not gonna be here the next few days, b/c I'm staying at my cousin's house. See you guys soon
EDIT: i also forgot to say, yes, FOTR, because arwen_elvenfair posted over a thousand bases, i couldnt help myself ;-)