Apr 25, 2004 17:03
This weekend has be better than usual, I've just been in a really good mood. Skittles and I went to Barnes and Noble Friday night after I had really easy practice and read funny feminist books together. One called Hell Hath No Fury was hilarious, it was all of these break-up letters that women sent to their ex-lovers. They were so cruel! After that we sat on my porch for like two hours, it was really romantic, except for when we were fighting at the beginning...Saturday morning I got up and ran the Dogwood 5K, which was really fun. I love running when there isn't any pressure. After that I went to the Sephora in Raleigh to get mine and Cara's make-up for prom, which was exciting. Today, I finally got to sleep late and then I went over to Brandon's for a while ;) which was a lot fun. Then we went to the grocery store and he locked my keys in my car, which is almost impossible to do in the first place. Thankfully, I left the windows cracked so he stuck a stick in through one and opened the door, which set off the alarm. It took us forever to figure out to get it turned off, but it was funny in the end. Now I am really trying to postpone working on my sociology paper, my enviromental exam, my biology exam, and my ap stat project, all of which are due pretty soon. I just want school to be over, I can't wait for summer...