Meanless Insomniac Drabble

May 28, 2013 01:52

You're kicking and screaming, tossing the sheets off in a fitful moment of restlessness. They're chewing so slowly on what little pieces of sanity you have left at this late, late hour. Or would it be an hour this early? You lost track long ago when you delvel into the deep dark reaches and corners of your mind.

What do you find there?

You find the thoughts getting deeper and darker with every 'step'. From childhood inosence and fleeting fantisies to the places that not even you like to wander with the brightest torch.

There's the day you fell from your bike. You're mum fixed it with a kiss and band aid. Why can't living and boo-boos be as simple now you're an 'adult'?

You look a little farther ahead... It seems to be getting dark. Did you make the wrong turn back there and maybe get a little lost?

No, no. This is the road you ment, the way you found 'safest'.

Seemingly, the darkness is seeping. It's not surroundings alone, but the things you're holding dear.

That teddy bear in your arms? Well, it seemed to have just grown teeth and developed a blood lust for what flows within your viens.

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