The Comic-Book cover "Pee Test"

Jul 17, 2005 15:25

So I'm chilling out and I'm sitting on the sofa as my mom is throwing away some old newspapers that the cat pissed on when, to my horror, my mom pulls out a bunch of comics and asks "are these yours?"

Here's the little backstory:
I lost a large envelope full of comics when I moved back home for the summer. I didn't know what happened to them and I was really upset about losing them but then I forgot they were ever gone after a couple of weeks. It turns out that my dad saw them and threw them in with some old newspapers (don't ask me why he did that) to be thrown away. The old gray cat (Kitsa) that everyone prety much hates pissed on those newspapers and got the comics as well.

I was violently angry about the cat pissing on the comics and I just wanted to
choke the life out of the little shit until I realized that the comics were fine. They were all in plastic covers and the covers protected them.
I always wondered if plastic covers would actually protect comics if they were pissed on and now I know the answer.
The man (or woman) that thought "Hey, I know, comics should have protective covers," is a genius and I will forever be grateful to them.
So, as I said before, the comics didn't get any piss on them. They're still in their (more or less) mint condition. My Spider-Man#11 does smell like piss though because its' plastic cover got the most...uh..."pee damage."
The comic itself is fine though. There wasn't one drop of piss on it. In fact, I'd say that it was in mint condition. (I have to say "was" in mint condition because I don't think it will be considered a "mint condition" issue now that I misted it with cologne. I had to do that so it wouldn't smell like cat pee.)
I'm damn lucky that those plastic covers did their job because I had some valuable comics in that envelope. I had Spider-Man#1, X-Men#25, (the issue where Wolverine losses his adamatium,) and Incredible Hulk#393. (Incredible Hulk#393 is the 30th anniversary issue from 1992. That's the special hologram issue that will be worth a lot of dough someday.)

So, in closing, plastic covers for comic-books rule and cats suck. I hope we all learned something special from this blog. I know I have.
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