back at school!! yay WKU!

Aug 27, 2005 00:49

HOLA Yall! I am back at Western. I am really ready for classes to start!!! I have a Schedule Problem!!! I have my Chemistry class on MW 5:30-7:15p. I need it to get into nursing school. The problem is not the class I can take it. THe problem is that is the same Time as my Group therapy. My group therapy meets wensday 6:30-7:30p. I could Change it to the only other option I have is an 8 am class, diferent teacher. There is not a problem to actually make it to the class. I can be there at 8am. I can Phsically make it, but I can't Mentally make it. I am sure that if I take that 8am chemstry class I would get a C or a B. When I NEED an A!!! I want to get into NUrsing school!! I will do what it takes! BUT I will also do what it takes to get help and stop cutting and I know I need this therapy. BUt I also need this Class and I need and Want and A in this class. I am stuck. There is one more chemistry class and it is TR night class. But I have a tuesday night western Civ Class. The only reason I have the tuesday night western civ class is because of the teacher. That is the only time She has that class. I don't know what to do and I have to figure this out before monday!!! SO PLEASE PLEASE If youhave an opinion tell me! I need help!!!!! OK well besides getting totally saoked and rained on and everthing I own getting wet when I moved in every thing is going just fine. Me and My roomie get along GREAT! You can see a pic of her in facebook! I got one of those!!! YIPPY! I am cold and I am going to bed
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