May 01, 2007 23:08
hey guys how it gonin?
well my computer crashed and my internet is cancled so i cant go on offten.
im still with randy.
amber moved... i miss her <3
family is fucked up still.
my cuzin sam came and stayed like a week with me <3.
other then that iv justm been hangin out at racheals and babysittin alot.
still lookin for a job.
i seen some people from the past... interesting
randys b-day is coming up soon...
im taking him to the hoedown to celebrate.
me and britt a.'s b-day is comin up soon too...
were have a bar-b-q party at the beach, then
an after party at my house.
well im off
if anyone needs me just call i guess...
amber- your my bestest fried, i love ya lots and you need to come back soon.
Randy- i love you babe and i hope you have a good b-day!