i like driving backwords

Nov 20, 2005 10:30

yesterday ended up being okay i guess...

my mom let me take the car for a bit.
i went to ambers.
i had'nt seen her in so long. i missed her!

then i went to my g-mas with my mom, dian and tiffany.
later paul, maggie, eaithen, erin, John and heather all came over there too.
we all sang kerioki, played pool n went in the hot tub. my grandpa had fun being bar tender, but when he left for work i took over. drunks are so fun.

heather and i drove back to my house in my moms car.
fun ride.
shes actually not that bad. shes like a poser punk. it bugs me but w/e.
she atleast likes the same music as me.

we played skatergories, and watched the outsiders... i love that movie!

today idk whats goin on.
like 64654898654 people told me to call them or they'll call me later but idk.

so if anyone wants to do anything today let me kno!

dinner w/ my dad at 6ish.

only got school monday or tuesday. theres lots of people i wanna hang out w/ but no def. plans.
people should let me kno...

well im off...

i miss charlie.
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