If I turn into another/dig me out from under what is covering/the better part of me

Mar 14, 2007 20:27

Feeling introspective, so I ganked this from Katie:

Answer each question in exactly three words.
1. Where is your cell phone? cell phone? huh?
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? commitment equals vomit
3. Hair? down to shoulders
4. Your mother? very tolerant. VERY.
5. Your father? a lapsed hippie
6. Your favorite item(s)? depends on mood
7. Your dream last night? don't remember dreams
8. Your favorite drink? Chambord and Coke
9. Your dream guy/girl? will beat me
10. The room you are in? my dorm room
11. Your fear? not being happy
12. What do you want to be in 10 years? a math professor
13. Who did you hang out with last night? crazy band geeks.
14. What are you not? liberal arts major
15. Are you in love? never, never again
16. One of your wish list items? New Orleans jazz
17. What time is it? hopefully not classtime
18. The last thing you did? law discussion section
19. What are you wearing? sweatshirt, khaki pants
20. Your favorite book? Dark Tower Three
21. The last thing you ate? Three Musketeers Bar
22. Your life? it's quite farcical
23. Your mood? introspective but happy
24. Your friends? hippies/sex fiends
25. What are you thinking about right now? music, math, sex
26. Your car? home with mom
27. What are you doing at this moment? singing w/ Aerosmith
28. Your summer? will be awesome
29. Your relationship status? see question two
30. What is on your TV screen? probably Mario Kart
31. When is the last time you laughed? Shanna's story yesterday
32. Last time you cried? I was laughing
33. School? should last forever
34. Wishing, hoping, thinking, praying? pass Number Theory
35. What are you listening to? iTunes Party Shuffle
36. Where do you want to be right now? here and now

I've noticed that, by a series of odd coincidences, whenever I drink Earl Grey Tea immediately after a morning shower, I have a good day - not only that, but I'm productive and awake for at least three hours after waking up. It's happened the last 4 times I've done that. Furthermore, I learned the power of a good attitude last night. When someone starts a story off with the sentence "By the way, for you to understand this story, you need to know that I have a golf-ball sized malignant tumor on the exterior of my stomach" and proceeds to have seven other people laughing hysterically 5 minutes later, they have a good outlook on life. (By the way, the cancer is in remission, so the storyteller isn't sitting on death's doorstep or anything.) This was the story referred to above.

On another entirely unrelated note, the Incubus album "Light Grenades" is awesome. I sing along to "A Kiss To Send Us Off", "Dig", "Diamonds and Coal", and "Love Hurts" regularly. And I'm not embarrassed about admitting it. Not that I sing any of them well, mind you.

A Final Thought, since St. Patty's Day is 3 days from now:
1 Irish Flag: $4.75
1 Bottle, Jameson Irish Whiskey: $28.99
1 Bottle, Bailey's Irish Cream: $26.97
1 Case (24 Cans) Guinness: $30.00
1 Pint Glass with Brandeis Logo: $7.98
Being Irish and sharing St. Patty's Day with 5 Brandeis students: Priceless
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