Mar 07, 2006 03:03
This weekend was one of the high points of the year. Friday I pretty much chilled out all day, which was a welcome break in routine. Hectic doesn't begin to describe last week for me. Saturday afternoon and evening I got to see Kate, which would have made the weekend on its own. (Eating at Quincy Market may have contributed to this since I finally got to eat something that wasn't Brandeis food.) We spent all Saturday afternooon walking around the city and the common and on top of that I managed to pick a day where the weather was warm enough that coats weren't necessary until the wind started picking up. Which was a total accident, by the way. Six hours weren't enough... But one thing I thought was strange (though not a bad thing) was that we didn't talk as much as we usually do when we're around each other. I don't know many other people - maybe none - with whom I can have that many long pauses in conversation and not feel like the silences are awkward. I love being able to shut up and not feel like I should be saying something, I'm not used to it. I guess that makes me treasure non-awkward silences all the more, and explains why I can be aloof at times... But getting back to the weekend, Saturday night there was an awesome party at Rosenthal (Keep in mind this is the Brandeis definition of awesome). You could hear it from North Quad, which is easily a few hundred yards up the hill. After that I ended up hanging out in the lounge until like 4:30 am with about 30 other drunk kids. No exaggeration, there were actually 30 people in the lounge at one point. What I wouldn't give to have more weekends like this one...
Missing all the people from Londonderry, hopefully I'll see at least some of you before summer.