Волшебный фотограф с Канарских островов. Эстер Эрнандез.
Её сайт на фликере, очнь-очнь рекомендую, тут представлены её самые интересные работы!
www.flickr.com/photos/maguaphotos/официальный сайт
www.estherhernandez.com/ и на последок пара слов от автора : "I think that the happiness is based on sharing to the fifty percent RESPONSIBILITY and ARTS or foods of the soul or beauty or as it is wanted to call. Until now first the fifty percent it has occupied almost all my life, although always I had the restlessness and latent sensitivity for and by the art. Now I dedicate but time to him to the second stage and is shaped in the photography, the painting, music and the reading. Although this new epoca full of illusions, I enjoy it intensity, my creation but important it has been in the first period of my life; Wonderful Esther, Susana, Luis and Cristina, four beings and the greater gift than have given the life me".