(no subject)

Sep 01, 2009 14:07

Name: Lucy Davis
Email: venite_angeli@hotmail.com
AIM name: venite angeli
RP Experience: Plenty, but all in now defunct games that are by no means indicative of my writing ability. Links provided on request, but they're only going to embarrass me :P
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About The Character
Name: Evelyn Faith Bagnold (Evie, if you want to live, thank you very much)
Journal: sirenscall (or something similar. Haven't checked to see if it's taken)
House & Graduation Year: Hufflepuff, 1999
Occupation: Student
Allegiance: Evie's on the side of the Light. She's not necessarily affiliated with the Order, but that's only because she doesn't know enough of them, nor does she exactly have myriad opportunities to join up, bound as she is by her role as a student of Hogwarts. She is aware of the existence of Dumbledore's Army, and she's keen to join.
Blood Status: Upper middle class pure blood
Birthday & Other Important Dates: September 22nd, 1980
PB: Gabrielle Christian
Image Link: Here

Appearance: Evie has blonde hair and blue eyes, pouty lips and just a hint of a tan to her naturally pale skin. She's slim, slight, and not at all physically imposing. It would make her the perfect cheerleader, if she had any sense of balance or coordination whatsoever. Sadly, this is not the case. She keeps her hair tidy, usually back in a pony tail or at least swept back from her face.

Evie is a product of her upbringing. Born to parents who were already in their late forties, and to a mother who was rather high profile at the time, Evie grew up dressing in demure skirt and blouse combos, sun dresses, sandals and twin sets. Nothing too revealing, nothing too progressive or out there. She's a traditional girl at heart, and it's not all to do with her parents. Given the choice, her conservative clothes are what she would naturally gravitate towards anyway.

She has no piercings except for the two small studs in her ears, done on her fifteenth birthday. She has no tattoos as yet, and she has no plans to get any done any time soon. It's not that she has anything against them, more that they're just not her style.

Likes & Dislikes: routine, stability, security, wooden boxes for her keepsakes, writing and receiving notes and letters from her friends, even if only from the next desk over, her parents, her grandparents, the idea of traveling, cats, books, studying, learning, writing new spells ~ chaos, drama, losing things, clutter, being ignored, feeling confused, people laughing at her, being called naive (even though in her heart of hearts she knows she has a tendency to be), mean people, rodents, sports, reporters who twist words

Personality: Evie's sweet, innocent, and sheltered. Largely, this is because of her parents. Evie was an unexpected surprise, born to parents who thought they would never be able to have children. As a direct result of this luck, they've always been really protective of her. The house rang with phrases like "be careful", "steady as you go", "watch yourself" and other perennial favorites. Evie never really learned to be self sufficient in any meaningful way, because there was always someone there making the decisions for her. That had to change when she went away to school. Surrounded by so many other people her age and older, each with their own wants and needs, she slowly learned to fend for herself and speak up for herself.

She an academic, born and bred. With a Healer for a father and the Minister of Magic for a mother, it was inevitable that Evie would turn to academia and flourish. The house was filled with books from an early age, and Evie was reading more or less fluently before she was exposed to any formal schooling. Intellectualism was definitely a plane that Evie and her parents related to each other well on, so as she grew it made sense that she would develop a fondness for learning. By the time she was accepted to Hogwarts, most people who knew her thought she stood a good chance of being sorted into Ravenclaw, but it was her sheltered nature and innate gentleness that won out, and earned her a berth in Hufflepuff.

Having the Minister of Magic for a mother hasn't just had academic repercussions for Evie. She's quieter than she might have been otherwise, wiser in the ways of newspapers and media, and she learned by watching her mother, to choose her words carefully, lest someone should twist them and use them against her. And obviously Millicent was out of the house a lot of the time when Evie was small, so Evie's forged a very close relationship with her father, who took time away from work to raise her. She loves both her parents, but in a jam it would be her father she went to. Some people would resent their mothers for being away for so much, but Evie grew up in a house with a devoted father and a mother who took every opportunity to spend quality time with her daughter, however fleeting that time may have ended up being, went a long way towards producing the well adjusted Evie of today.

Evie's had a good, solid example of love as she's grown up. Her parents' relationship is steady, warm and loving, and she finds her home to be a great comfort to her when she's feeling stressed or muddled about the outside world. She's not the kind of person who can be fickle with her love. She knows in her heart that she's the monogamous type. The only problem is, she's never understood the fuss over freaking out about all the so called "cute boys" in their year, and never really felt her heart beat faster over a certain guy, like her peers are constantly describing. It's another thing that's made her quite shy and quiet - being unable to relate to her peers on that level leaves her feeling somewhat isolated. Her best friend Audrey is perhaps the only person she really feels comfortable with. possibly because Audrey is just as disinterested as her when it comes to the opposite sex.

It's only now that Evie is starting to ponder the fact that she's never been attracted to a boy. At the ripe old age of sixteen, the vast majority of the girls in her class are either in or have been in relationships by this stage. She's the only one, to her knowledge, that's still sitting on the sideline. And she's starting to think that perhaps this is because maybe she might have a slight inclination towards her own gender. It's a scary, new thought though, and not one that's she's given a lot of time to. There's not a particular girl that she's interested in, that's made her think this. It's just the exhaustion of all other explanations. And she certainly hasn't mentioned this theory to anyone else.

Apart from her family, Evie is fiercely loyal to her friends. She doesn't have so very many of them, but the friends she does have know that they can count on her. She would take a bullet for most of her friends, or so she supposes, never having been called upon to do so.

To teachers, she's a dream. She studies hard, gets good grades, and is genuinely excited about learning. She's quiet and attentive in class, asks intelligent questions about the subject matter, and hands her assignments in on time. Yet she's not the sniveling boot lick kind of student that teachers dread.

Relationships: Parents - Max and Millicent Bagnold.
Best friend: Audrey Wadcock.
Other friends: Negotiable.

Background: Max and Millicent met through work - Max is a Healer of Germanic descent. He attended Durmstrang, before emigrating to the United Kingdom without his parents in his early twenties. Why? Why not? He was young, he wanted a change, and there were more opportunities to build his career as a Healer in England. Through various dealings with the Ministry he was eventually introduced to Millicent at a function. One thing led to another and before they knew it, they were in love and planning to marry. The logical next step would have been to have children, but somehow, no matter how hard they tried, it just never happened for them.

Ten or so years later, Max had reached his fifties and Millicent wasn't far behind him. Despairing of ever having a child, Millicent finally accepted the Minister of Magic position, putting her at the forefront of Wizarding/Muggle relations. The Bagnolds turned to magic eventually - the best conception potions on the market at the time, somewhat comparable to Muggle IVF. Finally, less than two months after they began trying in earnest, the Bagnolds conceived! Sure, it was late in their life, but they had never been in better shape to have children.

When Evie was born, Max took a leave of absence from work to raise her without disrupting Millicent's term as Minister. Thus, Evie became something of the focal point of the household. As previously discussed, she was doted on, fussed over, and generally made much of. Thankfully Millicent and Max had spent their many childless years forming opinions on how to raise children, and they didn't involve spoiling Evie with material possessions.

Although they were both pure blood, Max hadn't had a lot to do with the Muggle world, but Millicent had. Indeed, after finishing her Wizarding education as a barrister, Millicent went to Muggle law school. She felt that it made her a more rounded lawyer, and it also enabled her to take on Muggle cases for a change of pace. This turned out to be a great boon and help in her eventual job as Minister for Magic. As a result of Millicent's integration with the Muggle world, Evie was brought up around Muggles, and has at least a general working knowledge of them and their technology and culture.

Millicent Bagnold was the Minister for Magic in post between 1980, a year before Lord Voldemort's downfall, and retired in 1990. The major upheaval of her term in office was "a night of large-scale breaches of the International Wizarding Statute of Secrecy", on the 1st of November, 1981, the day after Lord Voldemort's downfall. (source). The breaches were things borne of natural exuberance on the news of Voldemort's demise, and of the rise of a new hero and symbol of peace for the Wizarding world: Harry Potter. That didn't make Millicent's job any easier. Covering up all the little slips and the large disregards for Wizarding policy took a huge deployment of Obliviators and mountains of paperwork. But, privately, Millicent reveled in every moment of it, in every dotted I and crossed T. After all, wasn't it true that any amount of extra work was worth it to see the world rid of He Who Shall Not Be Named? The biggest problem was with Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and the street that was blown up. But Millicent doesn't like to talk about it. Least said, soonest mended.

When Evie was around nine months old, she and her father went on her first plane trip, to Germany, home of her father's  forebears. Although Max and Millicent are both pureblood born, Millicent felt somewhat left out of the trips that she couldn't participate in, given her demanding job. So while the destination was Evie's link to her father, the mode of transportation was Millicent's input, always insisting that Evie had as many Muggle experiences as was reasonably possible. Max and Evie stayed in Germany for a month, and though Evie doesn't remember that first trip, she's extremely familiar with the stories that came from it. The trip became an annual tradition, something that continues to this day, and is something that Evie looks forward to with great anticipation.

Evie received her Hogwarts letter on the day of her eleventh birthday - born in late September, she had missed the cut off to start school that year. She started the summer after, putting her a year below Harry and his class. As previously mentioned, she had heard quite a bit about Hogwarts and the houses from her parents and various acquaintances, and thought she was a shoe in for Ravenclaw. That said, she wasn't entirely surprised to end up in Hufflepuff. She knew she was loyal enough for the house she ended up in, and she was pretty certain she embodied other Hufflepuff like qualities as well.

Plot Intentions: I hope to have her falling for her best friend (played by Darcy, who I have discussed this with). I'd also like to see her getting involved with various organizations - she's not much on sports, but starting a school paper would be a neat idea, if there isn't one already. I could see her either writing a gossip column, and hiding behind her sweet and innocent facade to lend plausibility to her denials of being behind it, or falling prey to a gossip columnist as her sexuality plot line unfolds. I'm up for either, and for variations on the theme, whichever gives the most people the most opportunity for stories and playing!

Furthermore, although Evie's not the type to argue or fight with people for no good reason, it could be kind of interesting if there's someone in game who develops a resentment for Evie based on her apparent goody two shoes persona. (It's only her outer self. People who know her know she's got a wicked sense of humor and can be really goofy and clumsy. But someone who didn't know her well could mistake her for a bit of a Sue.)

Sample Journal Entry:
Don't get me wrong, I adore my parents. They are, apart from my grandparents, pretty much the only family I have, and I love them dearly. They're just so over protective, that sometimes it's almost a relief to come back to school where there are hundreds of us and no one seems to notice me so much. It's funny, but though there are so many rules and regulations here, I feel freer to be left alone and get on with my studies and such.

I've only got this year and next and then I'm out in the world by myself. I plan to travel, to maybe start in Germany where I'm most comfortable, and then branch out and see the rest of Europe, perhaps. The sad fact of the matter is that I still don't have a clue what I really want to do with my life, so I figure I'll be better off making plans to travel and hoping inspiration strikes me while I'm out in the world.

As for right now, though, I'm just hoping to get good marks this years and continue my tradition of academic success through to my NEWT year, because I suppose it's no good making all these plans of I don't have the test scores to back them up.
Sample Third Person RP:
Evie sighed and laid her quill down beside her journal. This was the time when she should really stop writing in her personal journal, and start on her homework, but she was tired and achy and cranky from sitting still too long. She decided to go and have a nice hot shower to wake herself up and prepare herself for the night of work ahead of her.

And yet, when she reached the shower room, what she had intended to be a ten minute wake up shower ended up being a half hour luxurious soak, closing her eyes and letting the spray fall over her face in a way she adored, and within moments she'd forgotten that an outside world existed, let alone was making demands on her that she had no choice but to comply with.

It wasn't until an impatient knock on the door pulled her from her daydreams that she reluctantly got out of the shower, clean and refreshed, and pulled on her robe. She went back to her desk, not bothering to dress. Who was going to see her, anyway? She pulled out her Potions book and spent a good thirty seconds looking at the same sentence before giving it up as a lost cause. In the end, she just wasn't in the right frame of mind to be studying. She slammed the book shut, put it away, and quickly dressed, intending to go down to the Great Hall for something to eat. Perhaps she would feel more academically inclined after a nice plate of shepherd's pie and roast chicken.

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