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Mar 21, 2005 09:53

Why don't women love themselves?

I am surrounded by smart, beautiful, creative, caring, imaginative, sensitive, strong women but it seems to me that they are always doubting themselves: They aren't skinny enough, not smart enough, don't have enough talent, their hair isn't straight enough, or it is too straigth, they don't have a waist, their hips are too big, they aren't intelligent enough, they have book smarts but not street smarts, they are too old, they have too much white hair. It hurts me to see this. I want to scream it in their ears "you are enough!" And i want them to believe it. I want them to demand of others to believe it. I want to see proud women. Women who can tell you that they are proud of themselves, that they are fully capable, that they are worth respecting and loving and caring for. I wish i could spread that message, i wish i could make these women believe it. I wish i could kick them out of this inferiour spot they allow themselves to stay in (after society pushed them in).

it kills me. why can't these women see themselves in true light. why is everyone else okay but they just need to lose another 15 pouunds, or get 15% higher on their next test. or their ideas aren't unique enough, or their nails aren't long enough. these women have people around them but they continue to think they are lucky to even receive attention from someone else. i don't get it.

i realized a long time ago that i don't fit into what society and media tell a woman she should look like and act like. And at first i thought that they were right, that is wasn't worth anyone's time. But you can only hate yourself for so long before you start questioning why. And i can't think of a good reason to hate myself. So i started there, i said "this is me, i have to accept it". and i did but after a while i wanted more. Accepting myself didn't seem enough and it isn't. so i started to say that i loved myself. of course i didn't believe it (what was there to love, i was fat, not pretty, only mildly intelligent, not sensitive enough, slightly annoying, rather loud, and the list went on - believe me). But then there were some days i would look in the mirror and i liked what looked back at me. my eyes started to look attractive to me, than my lips, my teeth. and then i started to really look at my body. it was big, but it didn't scream ugly. Hell my body was taking me everywhere i was going, it had limitations but it was functioning. and now i know that i love myself and i don't know why i would have ever doubted myself. but i still do sometimes go back to that doubt and i have to take a stand and say to myself i don't have to be a size 8 to be beautiful. And i will stand infront of the mirror and force myself to say i am beautiful, that i love myself. because it is a waste of my time to doubt myself.

Even if others can't see it, i recognize that am worthy. and if i'm the only person that can see it for now that is okay for me. but when i look at the women who's beauty , talent and intelligence screams out at you i don't know how they can doubt themselve. I understand that we are normally harder on ourselves than on others. but it is so clear that these women are special, why can't they see it?
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