Fic: This is Killing Me 3/?

Jun 03, 2010 23:12

"Is he going to be okay?" She asked, running alongside the gurney.

"Ma'am, I am going to have to ask you to back up, please," a man said.
Emma focused on every tiny detail about him as he spoke. His nose was too big for his face. His hair was blond. His eyes, brown, with little specks of green, and his eyelashes, surprisingly long. She did anything she could to distract her from the man she loved, lying on the gurney only two feet away.

"But -"

"Ma'am, please go to the waiting room," he said. His teeth were straight. And white.

Her curiosity finally forced her to glance at Will as he was wheeled through a pair of double doors and ultimately out of her reach. Her stomach turned at the sight of blood, seeping through the bandages wrapped tightly around his forehead.

Two doctors passed by her.

"This is why it should be illegal to talk on your phone while driving," one said.

Emma felt an immeasurable wave of guilt pass over her. She desperately clutched her stomach.
Looking up, she followed the men, slowly, until the doors surprised her by closing in front of her. She stood there, staring at the only obstacle between her and Will. It wasn't until she saw her reflection in the glass she realized that makeup was streaming down her face. As she looked down, two black teardrops stained her pristine, white cardigan.

Then there was darkness.


"Where am I?"

Emma awoke to an unfamiliar setting. At least it was clean.

"You passed out." Someone said. " You're at the hospital."


"Will!" She gasped, leaping to her feet.

"Woah, there!" Exclaimed an unfamiliar woman in front of her.

"I'm fine. I need to find someone.."

"William Schuester?" The woman asked.

"Yes, how did -"

"It's a small hospital." She said. "You won't be able to see him, he's in surgery."

"How long ago-"

"About 25 minutes," the she interrupted.

Emma sat on the bed, placing her head in her hands.

"How are you related to him?" The woman asked.

"I'm in love with him." Emma replied, not caring whether the comment was appropriate or not.

"...And it's my fault he's in here." She said finally.

She curled into a ball.

"How will I know when I can see him? Or whether he's..."

"I'll let you know." She promised.

"Thank you...."

"Claire." She said.

"Claire," Emma echoed.

"Will. Does he-"

"Love me back? I don't think so." She said quietly, contemplating the question. "But before the accident, he wanted to try." And I didn't let him. Why didn't I let him?

Something beeped across the room.

"I'm being paged. I'll be back."

Emma sat up as Claire left the room, spotting her reflection in a mirror across from her bed. Thankfully, someone had cleaned the filthy makeup off her face.


She had to know.


"Excuse me," she addressed the woman at the front desk. "I'm here, is there a patient here by the name of Will Schuester?"

"Yes, but he is in surgery at the moment." She said, checking something on her desk. "Please have a seat."

"How long -"

"I don't know."

"How badly is h -"

"Ma'am, I don't know. Please have a seat." She said, motioning to the chairs behind Emma.

Tears threatening to fall once again, she made her way to the nearly empty sitting area, trying desperately not to cry.

If you had just called him five minutes earlier..

She spotted a bottle of hand sanitizer on the table next to her, and every few minutes proceeded to re-sanitize her hands until the bottle was empty. She wasn't ready to ask again, afraid the unfriendly woman at the desk would snap at her, when Claire entered the room.

"Miss Pillsbury, thank goodness. Come with me."

"I'm fine." She croaked, her mouth dry. "I just fainted, it happens often."

"No, it's Mr. Schuester. He's out of surgery."

Emma hands started to tremble. "How, wh - did..." she stuttered.

"The doctors aren't sure when, or if he'll wake up just yet. But you can see him if you like."

The tears finally came when she witnessed the man she loved lying before her; bruised, and other than the blood and wounds on his face and arms, essentially colourless.
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