"Between alll the bleedin' and fightin' I've been reading and writing."

Jan 19, 2017 21:40

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-I've been on a bit of a Hamilton kick lately. For those of you who haven't heard about it- it is a musical about the life of Alexander Hamilton. You would think it would sound ridiculous, but I really dig it and quite a few of their songs are empowering.

-Going to be doing a lot of sewing this year it looks like. Trying to build a Visas Marr and Asajj Ventress costume. Hey, nothing like going from 0 to 60 right? I'll probably start with Visas just because Asajj is so make-up intensive to play.

-Finally got my first assignment from the writing job. Let's hope I don't mess up too badly.

-It's Edgar Allen Poe's birthday today. So in his honor I present to you this passage from Tamerlane:
"In spring of life have ye ne’er dwelt

Some object of delight upon,

With steadfast eye, till ye have felt

The earth reel - and the vision gone?

And I have held to mem’ry’s eye

One object - and but one - until

Its very form hath pass’d me by,

But left its influence with me still."

musicals, asajj ventress, poetry, music video, alexander hamilton, visas marr, writing, star wars, sewing

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