Contemplating my future

Mar 18, 2007 20:28

As you most likely know, I am a senior in high school. What this means is that I need to make decisions about my life that will set the patterns for the next 60-80 years that I will be working to feed, clothe, and house myself- despite the fact that my brain hasn't even stopped developing yet(it doesn't stop until you're 25) and I have absolutely no clue what the hell I am doing. This means that I will suffer much indecision and, as is always the case when I don't know what to do, I shall be researching and conducting controlled experiments. With these experiments it is invalueable to have people who have done the same thing previously, however since I don't like asking for help I never really get around to asking those questions. Wouldn't it be nice if someone would just volunteer that information?

To my surprise I found someone like that and she made me think. It was completely by accident that this came about. I was at an after school activity, the only one that I actually participate in because it's the only one I can see that actually makes a differance and works towards equality. We were sitting around in the cirle talking about what stresses us out. I, because I really don't like complaining since I feel like I have no right to do so and that it is weak, didn't really have much to say. So I just put in the cliche , "I'm a senior so I need to decide between colleges/ careers" thing to move along the conversation. They asked me what careers I was looking into, since they felt the need to ask questions. I replied "Well it's either teaching or criminal psychology". Suddenly the teacher, who I shall call Ms. K, said something to the equivalent of "Get out!". She then launched into how that's exactly what she was thinking of doing when she was my age and she eventually decided on teaching because she values family and that would be really hard to have if she were in FBI as a criminal profiler(which is what I would want to do in the field).

That made me think. I'm not one for families persay. I hate dealing with little kids for long periods of time, so having a family doesn't really look like it's a good idea for me. Not that I really need to worry about that now I suppose, I am still rather young after all. But sooner or later I will get very lonley when I'm older if I am forever to be solitary. I mean everyone gets lonely at times, but I would think it would be a much more crushing lonliness the longer it goes on. One day I want to find someone who can put up with my faults, and I with theirs(which looks like it will be the bigger problem), for a long period of time. I'm not so sure that I would want to go into a field that will limit me like that.

But who knows what will happen in the long run? Heh, watch: I'll end up doing neither of the two I'm considering.


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