"Just because they can doesn't make it alright

Jul 22, 2014 17:04

So now for something lighter:
-Here is some talk of acting from several actors. Important lines like "Some people are good actors but they just can't take the culture of being constantly judged" or "Saying no is really the only control you have over your career".

-Saw this article http://rebloggy.com/post/my-art-history-scandinavia-tom-hiddleston-finland-loki-suomi-loke-jotunheim-jotu/58162330860 I point your way in this direction for a few reasons. 1. The art is lovely, a very Scandinavian take on Loki with the dress and the face tattoos. 2. The note that the Frost Giants were probably an embodiment of Finland is very interesting to me. I was also doing research on Freyr earlier on in the week and he was apparently the embodiment of Sweden, all blonde hair and beautiful. I love seeing the historical traces in Viking mythology because a lot of times the orals tradition would mix gods in with the titles of kings and create these weird hybrid stories. I haven't heard the frost giants equated with Finland before, but the reasoning seems to make sense. I wonder if Finland used to war with Norway and then was forced into a treaty where they never fully trusted each other but were in an alliance.

I don't think that this is the sole reasoning of frost giants, indeed the pattern of the Nords to have their new "civilized" take over from primordial gods (see the previous incarnation of Loki as the fire spirit Loge and the Vedic gods taking over from the asuras and the greek gods taking over from the titans) so that point still stands and of course several of Loki's actions are not equated to Finland's ancient actions so there is still quite a bit of theology mixed in with the nebulous history.

3. Also this comic pretty much sums up my life philosophy. The mouse over text read "There's meaning as long as there's someone to need it".

nordic, acting, mythology, loki, gods, freyr, frost giants, greek/roman, vedic, history, comics

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