All I ever wanted was the world

May 01, 2014 16:58

Hello there new friends. Here is my introductory post, in case you were curious.

So let me tell you about my weekend, merely because I find that this is the type of situation I end up in far too often. I take something innocuous and it ends up being creepy at the end.

So it started out with me being at my friend's daughter's birthday party. It was mostly me standing around making small talk with some friends while the four year olds flounced about to Disney pop songs. It wasn't a bad time, relaxing and simple. I think we were more excited for the Avengers' coloring book than the child was.

Then after all the "normal" parents went home and there was just my friends, and you can tell we were just friends because they changed out of uncomfortable party dresses and into comfy jeans and T-shirts, and their children we start talking about props. One of my friends says that he wants to have an occult shop for a set but he is going to wait til he can make things nice and creepy before he does anything with it. I, having the interests I do, say that I have tons of props that would be handy. I have spell books and leather bound books as well as a lot of dead animal parts along with runes and tarot cards just lying around. The person whose house it is at says she has a deer buried in her backyard if anybody wants the bones. Another friend says that she sees a shovel in the shed. So she asks for volunteers to help her dig up a body and I volunteer because this sounds like fun to me. I even wait and pause, scanning the faces and waiting for someone to tell me that this was a bad idea and I shouldn't do it.

No one said anything. So we ran merrily into the woods with a shovel to dig up a body. We dug for an hour while I assured them that this was not a human given the size of the bones and that no flesh would be attached since it was buried for two years. At one point I started digging with my hands through the grave. Why? Well I didn't want the shovel to shatter the bones and part of me does take a certain amount of glee in the creepy things. I mean it's not every day I can say that I dug through a grave with my hands. The running joke was that I was going to host a gardening show to tell what plants to plant over dead bodies. "And if your "fertilizer" happens to have metal implants, plant hydrangeas to get a nice blue." The best part was that the rest of the party, the four year old included, just stood there watching me and my friend dig through a grave. At one point they even got chips and just stood there talking with us around the grave like nothing happened.

We found it too! The whole skeleton was pretty intact, including the head. I even volunteered to burn sigils into it if they wanted, which they might once they clean the bones. Normally I get odd about disturbing graves but considering this was a deer they just killed for no reason and tossed in a hole I think the bones would be put to better use being used rather than just sitting there.

And now that I have alienated any new friends I might have made I am off to go to dress rehearsal for a bellydance performance this Sunday. My life has been swallowed by practicing all week. At least all the work is keeping me busy, which makes me happy.

still a goth kid deep down, friends, creepy, bellydancing, creativity

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