"The time that we kill keeps us alive"

Jun 18, 2012 18:00

Had a weekend performance this weekend. Twas a lot of fun. For those of you that don't know I do bits of acting and writing at a volunteer acting troupe. I have for about four years now. I can either play a character, a set character which I make, or I help out with the grunt work. Grunts will play many roles over the course of a weekend and fight a lot. I was grunting this weekend.

I am very glad I got to work with the crew I did. There were only about five of us on the crew total, typical numbers are 10-15, but we did excellently for ourselves despite that. I was with some close friends, all guys, and we seemed to show affection solely through "Fuck you." "Well fuck your mother too". I don't mind that way of showing affection. It helps get aggressions out that can accumulate when you stage fight people and they don't know what they are doing. We kept running into pitfalls the whole weekend, but we managed to overcome them all and find solutions.

Friday I night I played some good roles. I got to be a "witch". For those of you that haven't played Left 4 Dead the witch is the undead that cries hysterically and when you get close screams and tries to claw your face off. I got to scream really angrily, which is a nice vent, and my face was covered in white paint and blood. I loved the reactions I got. After that I got to be a ghost possessing a Ouiji board. I was trapped in that place as a prison by some demons. It is very slow to spell on one of those boards, side note. I then got to hide in the shadows and sing "Ring around the rosie" while the guy playing the demon got to monologue. I don't know what it is about little kid nursery rhymes that are just so creepy when you are not a little kid, but it was really haunting.

Saturday I got to be a shadow coming out of a haunted mirror. It is a challenge to try and be a scary shadow during the day but we managed it. The mirror helped conceal us and then when people would get close we would all crawl out on different levels to try and look like a wall of undead shadows. Then when we fought people we were to watch them and try and mimic exactly what they did. I hope that the scene came out well because we were filmed for a webshow and the news came to watch us do this nonsense. I am told we did well.

Then I got to be a psychotic murderer in lingerie. My job was to be a jester, so I had a lacy black dress and a jester hat. I was crazed to the point where I didn't care if I lived or died. I had fun taunting people as I fought.

Saturday night I got to be a demon of greed. I love playing greed. I know wrath gets the most credit for being a fearsome demonic aspect. But there is something terrifying about playing someone who sees the entire world as being theirs. "Your possessions, your life, your soul, they are all mine. You only have them because I let you! I will come to claim them in time!" I was surprised about the number of characters who made pacts with the demons. The paint was irritating to wear since it was all bronze, but it was totally worth it. The woods were in seemed to want to enhance our scene. Someone was launching fireworks
so the sky would light up and there were fireflies mating about so the entire world shone with flashes of light that floated in the sky. This is all on top of the trail of glowing blood they had to follow to get to the place where the demons kidnapped their friend in the first place.

On Sunday morning I got to be a wolf creature and circle around on of the actors who had to climb up a tree. It was fun because we got to play pinata with him. He would try to dodge out the way and we could try to claw at him. I actually got him once, which makes me giggle far more than it should.

The weekend was all well and good, save for Sunday during the day. But with family that is to be expected.

acting, larp, horror, fantasy

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