Sep 07, 2004 21:23
Wow...its been a long time since i wrote in this danm thing...well lots of things have happened. One of my best friends, Jessica, finally came to my school...She is going to graduate with us...Yes...i'm acutally happy. My class seem cool...i love my teachers..but i seem to be going behind...i need to catch up.
Well right now..i'm watching Law and Order i hate this episode...its getting my mad...but its also good.
Well...what else has happened...oh brother might move out...hopefully...and i'm going back to the wilderness to see my baby...ya her birthday is on Tuesday next week...but we can't go next week so we are going this and my sister are getting early dismissel cause we are leaving on Friday at noon.
Well talking about my niece...she surprised us this Labor day weekend...she came to vist. It was so cool..i have to admite..even though i took care of her all summer...and she got on my nerves...just a little...i still lover her alot...awww..shes so pretty...We had to go to mexico to buy her a pinata..a strawberry short cake one...and my mom bought these awsome cookies...they were so good.
Well i guess i'm going to miss the first home game of the season, but thats niece is more important.
My sailormoon messanger bag finally came in...two of the scouts is fucked up..but it still looks good...hummm what what else...did i mention that i made it has Estudiantina Secreatry. I think i did...but it dosnen't hurt to say it again. I have been spending most of my time in Llano Grande...just using the computer. I've been chating with my friends from Vienna...shes cool...but my brother is such an ass. Ok well anyway, my brother was talking to her on the net right...and he was under my screen when i signed on...she was all confused cause she was talking to two and my got me so mad...cause my brother is a slut...and i told her to stay away from him...cause he is like some stay far away from him...she might get caught in his stuipd life.
We had our Senior Class was so was boring...the only exciting thing was the fact that we were going to sign up for our Caps and Gowns and vote for our other stuff....i hope Switchfoot is our class song...well not switchfoot..but meant to live...i need to talk to mrs.Cano to get that song to be nominated....well..i hope i graudate in the first place...
Talking about graduating...i plan to got to college right away so that i can finish and get on with my life..and hopefully get a good job...well...looks like my cousin Anna dosen't want to go to college...well actually her parents don't want her to go to college..well her mom dosen't...why?...well...her mom was watching a special on 20 20...and she found out that 75% or freshmen commite suicede in college...i thought that was wrong....Anna should go to college and further her for me...well...i want to stay here for a while...then get enough money to go up texas or even out of state college...i don't want to live in Texas for ever...i don't...its so...boring here...i don't want to live my life they way my parents live it...i know if i marry someone going to stay here...thats why..i'm goint to be a travler...and travel everywhere that i can possible go....that way...i can marry someone just like me...well...thats what i want at lest...who know...maybe i'll go to college for Art or go pro with my mando..hey i love guitar to get me wrong...but i want to go classical...i don't know why...i just do...i guess thats it...who knows what awaits me in this weird...sick...exciting
Well...i guess thats case CJ reads this...if ever..i guess its only right if i mention him..just his name and that he is doing the right thing and going to college..shows alot from means he wants more in his life then just a job..i means he is also passionate for his talent...well there u go then he won't be complaining that i don't type about always...Damn i guess thats i...