ya know

Mar 16, 2006 12:56

i am sick and tired of them looking at him as his mistake....
instead of looking at him and seeing HIM they see what he did five years ago.

hes done his time. hes paid the price. and dont they think that he thinks about it everyday too? that it haunts his thoughts and dreams??? no, of course not. they only think of how it reflects on them.

hes their son for cryin out loud. not some punk kid off the street. THEIR SON.

its about time they start treating him like one....caring about his needs. but they dont. they care about theirs. they are being selfish. sure, he screwed up. people make mistakes.

hes learned and is learning though. its time they stop being a child and face the fact that he is an adult...not the kid that he once was. he needs to do whats right for him. and they need to care enough to see that.

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