Aug 17, 2005 17:12
Well how about my life sucking. I made the volleyball team except everything about it sucks. The girls hate me so much and make it so obvious that the coach had to give them a talk about being nice to me and including me. I was chosen last out of everybody for this game we played when I'm not bad at all. Then there is the fact that I have no position. This one girl got Libero (which I wanted) two others got setter (which he never even considered me for) and here I am now on this team with no position. I mean I hope I effing play or I'm quitting either that or he'll just make me a spacer filler on the court ERRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Then there is teh conditioning factor. We have to do this thing called a hawk run and it it like 1 mile in stairs (we did 6) and my body with astmah and heart issues can't do it but nobody seems to give a shit that I might just keel over right in teh middle of their god-awful stair case. So then we had this thing where we had to do these 6 in under 16 minutes. Well Ladies and Gents I did it in 20!!!!! And I was the last person finished out of all team freshman,JV, varsity, adn sophmore. And tomorrow we're doing about 2 of those 6 sets which will obviously kill me so farewell adn fuck bartlett once again!