Oct 30, 2005 16:40
well friday after school Jess and Joanie came over to my house and we got ready for tha vestavia game then we went and picked up katy rose and we went to tha game well we left at half time cuz we got bored and so we went to on the border with timmy and ate YUM then we went to joe mugs and after that went bak to jess's to spend tha night and we talked to this brat named austin who kept callin katy rose a mexican well saturday i went over to katys and i spent tha nigh with her ha ha ha that wuz FUN we talked to daniel on tha phone for a lil while that wuz fun cuz he kept singin this WEIRD song like it wuz really weird and we were gonna go to tha movies then we decided not to but yah then that austen girl wuz gettin on our nerves again but this time it wuz funny then we went to sleep and katy rose made us sum breakfast this mornin YUM it wuz good!!!!! then shorty went to a movie with her b.f and i ded absolutly nuttin and tomoro im goin to Joanies house YAY