if you want to play me like a game [come on come on let's play]

Jun 12, 2008 23:34


"Come on!" Emmett was almost whining. But in an Emmett kind of manner that made people think twice about saying no because he could -- quite literally -- break anyone in half with his bare hands and do it with a sweet angelic little smile on his face.

Regardless of the bone breaking capabilities of his stunningly white and curiously gentle hands, Emmett was whining, or close to it. "Let's just go. Why wait for them to come to us when we could come to them?"

Jasper made an agreeable noise and Emmett nodded intensely, his gray-gold eyes practically dancing in excitement. "You know it's a good idea. The element of surprise! They'll never see it coming. Right Alice?"

They all turned to look at Alice who looked up from her spot where she was dwarfed next to Emmett. "Hmm, what? Oh no they won't see it coming at all."

A little bit of Emmett's smile faded. "Alice, were you even listening or were you still fantasizing about Bells' wedding dress?"

"I was listening!" she protested. "And I think it's a good idea!"

Emmett grinned, it was a natural way to get Alice on his side, lovely baby sister that she was.

"So we're doing it? I'm sick of waiting." His fists clenched and unclenched at his sides as if he were gearing up for a fight right then and there, not miles away and off the home court advantage. But when did Emmett ever need home court advantage.

He was an advantage.

[what] prompt, [who] jasper hale, [who] emmett cullen, [where] badcompany_muse, [when] general, [who] bella swan, [who] alice cullen

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