Jun 07, 2009 23:01
- 14:22 twitpic.com/6uxb1 - #
- 14:23 gonna go to staples in a bit #
- 14:39 everyone, please follow @wsbrigade #
- 15:26 @ heyitstanya thanks for the RT! #
- 16:18 Feist and Ben Gibbard "train song" ♫ twt.fm/149157 #
- 17:45 @ ashlovesLA what a bro #
- 19:29 @ hellohouston he probably recently broke his nose or something along those lines #
- 19:29 Lakers are gonna take this one and the next two games. No doubt. #
- 20:07 Two more games. It's gonna be a sweep #
- 22:40 Photo: Who wants a poster?? tumblr.com/xf21zbmgf #
- 22:51 @ shutterhappyjoe come one dude, you really thought orlando was gonna beat the lakers???? hah #