OOC: Headcanon Meme Thing

May 11, 2011 23:45


- Since she has no real father figure in her life, she tends to look up to people like Juudai, Yuusei and Cain has her male role-models, but while Yuusei and Juudai are like big brothers to her, Cain is the one she sees more like a dad... because he is a dad!
- She doesn't really remember much about her own dad these days, only that he gave her Rescue Cat. She feels she has to keep looking in photo albums to remind herself of what he looked like.
- She was the flowergirl at Asuka and Juudai's wedding! She walked down the aisle throwing around petals like she was supposed to, but still had some left when she got to the end, so she just tipped them out of the basket onto the floor where she was stood and skipped off to where her mother was sat. Everyone thought it was adorable.


- She met her husband at college. She was the shy and quiet art student and he was the rather larger than life computer technology student. He spent a while trying to get her attention before she finally gave in and went out with him. Afterwards, the two became inseparable.
- They married at 25, but didn't have Tomoko until about 4 years later.
- They had been thinking of having another child, but her husband died before that could happen.
- She meets up with Midori for Coffee at least once a week.
- She does sort of wish she had the courage to start dating again, but lacks a lot of confidence in the area, convinced she'll never click like that with anyone else, but at the same time, she wants a stable father figure for Tomoko. She also tends to feel lonely quite a bit, mostly late at night when Tomoko is asleep and isn't distracting her from feeling it.
- She can be over-protective of Tomoko but tries not to let it limit her activities or experiences with things. She actually is terrified of losing her too, because she feels Tomoko is the only thing that matters in her life currently. If anything bad happened to her, she'd take it pretty hard.


- He has a drawer in his room that has a lock. Inside this is various items he's acquired over the years that he prefers not to fall into the wrong hands and/or considers dangerous. The Shadow Items/Emerald Tablet and Uru's card are some of the things stored in there. Only he and Asuka knows where the key to open it is hidden.
- He misses his old academy friends a hell of a lot and wishes he could hang out with them more like old times, but he knows that they all need to pursue their individual paths, even if it keeps them incredibly busy. Now he has a laptop, he keeps up with some of them more through e-mails every now and then. Most of them went to his and Asuka's wedding, so he treasures the pictures, not just because of the special day, but because it was the first time in a long time that he and Asuka were together with all their friends. He doesn't know when they'll get to do that again.
- He doesn't drink alcohol. He never really got into the habit. The only ONE time he had a hangover, after he drank some spiked punch at a Halloween party at Sakana, was enough to really put him off it.
- He comes off as good at remembering things like birthdays and anniversaries sometimes, but that's just because his spirits remind him, otherwise he would probably forget.


- She tries not to think about her current situation, with the whole being in the past from the future thing. She knows that where ever she ends up, she'll miss people. There is no win/win situation with it. So she just tries to ignore it for now and just gets on with her life where she is, knowing that trying to think about it would just make her head spin. Though she feels that since she's been here, she's had a lot more opportunities in her life.
- She's been working with Juudai on his spirit work since about mid-June. She has a notepad filled with notes about things she's learned about certain spirits during the course of it and anything she notices about the way spirits and people live together and what they can accomplish. She also hopes that the more she learns about spirits, the more she can help protect the spirit world from harm.
- She aims to one day continue the research Desdemona had done and hopefully add to it with her own research. She thinks that a Duel Spirit Researcher might be a good career choice.
- She's the top student in her Duel Spirit class at the academy.
- She was also disappointed that she and Rua didn't make it into the same dorm, but she believes he will do his best to one day join her in Ra yellow.


- Plans to study mechanics at the duel college when he finishes his final year at the Academy, mostly specializing in D-Wheels and Duel Disk repair and also possibly studying computer technology as well.
- He looks a little less girly now that he's 16 and starting to look more like a MAN... though occasionally some people will still mistake him for a girl...
- He still visits the Domino scrapyard at least once a week, to see if he can find something useful.
- I don't think canon ever touched on his back story at all beyond Yuusei and co, so I personally believe he's an orphan who was raised by Martha, this is where he met Yuusei and the others.
- Rua and Ruka, to him, are like the little brother and sister he never had and thus this is how he sees them. Likewise, Yuusei has always been like a big brother and he looks up to him very much.


- She hasn't dated anyone for a very very long time, dedicating herself more to her work than her personal life. It doesn't bother her, she loves her work. That said, she is looking forward to the day Juudai and Asuka decide to have kids, because she wants to be an aunt to them.
- Likewise, Tomoko actually calls her "Aunt Midori".


- Despite the fact that I don't play them together often (Player-cesting is hard to do :<) she does communicate with Juudai on a daily basis. If he needs a second opinion on something, she's, of course, always around to give it.
- Yubel sort of has an older sister vibe with Juudai. Generally giving him advice, snarking at him when he does something stupid and of course looking out for him, though she does sometimes act flirty just because it's fun to get him all flustered~
- At night, she likes to sit on top of the roof at Sakana, partly to just keep watch, but partly because she loves looking at the city at night.
- She's mostly used to everyone at Sakana now, both human and duel monster and she's on somewhat decent terms with everyone... but she doesn't like the sudden influx of so many duel monsters she doesn't know.
- She likes to drink tea.
- Obviously she will never ever be far from Juudai. If she's around, Juudai is close by.
- Before Juudai decided to propose to Asuka, he had a long talk with Yubel, to make sure if she was okay with this, as he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable with it. She reassured him it was fine with her, but tried to act in-different to it. In reality, she was actually happy for him and saw it as a sign that he really had grown up a lot.

Ask away~


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