Event Post 39 - Where in Domino is Yuuki Juudai?

Oct 20, 2008 11:12

*So hay, Juudai didn't come home last night. Maybe he's been out doing hero-y stuffs and got caught up with something, but if you noticed him missing, or were told he was, and you tried contacting him through his PDA, it's switched off.
He NEVER switches that thing off.
Maybe you've looked in places he could be; Around Sakana, around the college, around the park, places where there is food... but there's no sign of him.

But let's go back to the park. Did you check that little play area somewhere up the top end of it? That has the swings, the small round-a-bout and the Dinosaur shaped slide?
Oh hay, the Dinosaur shaped slide also has an opening on it's side, it's got a hiding space inside it.
Yeah you should check in there.

I drew it too! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v142/PDUTogepi/Art%20Stuff/Junk/dinoslidewheee.jpg

It's really very early in the morning at this time, probably about 3am. So it's dark and cold and no one is about.*

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