Event Post 38 - General Interaction-ness + Private Entry

Oct 03, 2008 22:22

((Following is private - Though hackable to anyone with super duper powers that can break through it if needed))

It's kinda...weird to have someone tell me that they're jealous of me for something... when I'm kinda the same towards them for a different reason.

Jin he... reminds me a lot of the person I used to be... and the person I'll probably never completely be again. Even though it seems he's been through as much as I have... he's happy... no... he's HAPPIER, he mentioned to me that he wasn't a nice person before all this happened to him... but he's so cheerful.
My head hurts when I try to figure out how that happened to him, yet what happened to me has drastically changed who I am in the opposite way, instead of being optimistic, I now look at the worst of things, because I've SEEN the worst of things and I expect it.

Sometimes when I talk to him, I feel a little like being angry at him... but I know it's not his fault, it's just the way he is and he's a great guy, he's fun to talk to, but... sometimes it bugs me when he mentions being through something similar to me, yet his attitude towards it is so much more relaxed, like it was never a big deal, it sometimes feels insulting to me but... I dunno...

It just feels like right now... he's the type of hero people would probably want, the type of hero I used to be, the type of hero people probably want me to be that I can't be anymore. It's not like I've been a great hero recently anyway.

Then I remember he's the reason our world is half merged with the duel monster world and my head feels like caving in on itself. Maybe he's just a bit TOO optimistic over some stuff.
Ehh, guess I wrote this here just to get it out somewhere. Not like anyone can see this.


*Juudai is sat out in the courtyard of Sakana leaning against a tree, doodling stupid pictures on scrap pieces of paper... or the back of his college notes, he went out there with full intentions to do some work but, his attention span and concentration are terrible.
Alternatively, if you have no reason to be at the Sakana Apartments, he's also doing the same in the park YES HE CAN BE IN TWO PLACES AT ONCE!!

This is a general interaction thread, so come talk to him about whatever you want!*

private entry, jin, sakana, event post

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