Log 1 - Over the Edge

Aug 06, 2008 19:29

((This takes place on Thursday the 7th of August, just before 2pm which is when the Doctor's science class starts.))

Juudai felt really sick, he had been all day.
Hunched over a sink in the boys bathroom in the main academy building, Juudai honestly felt like throwing up, though he had barely eaten anything these past few days. Breathing heavily, he waited for the feeling to pass enough so he could stand up straight, the whole room spinning for a moment as he did. He knew he should be in bed resting, but he was graduating soon, he couldn't afford to really miss anymore classes.

Looking up, his eyes caught his own reflection in the mirror before him that was on the wall above the sinks. He found himself just staring at his own image, as he did, he rose his hand up to the mirror. He wasn't sure why, maybe he was reaching out to that other him in that mirror, maybe that Juudai had a better life, maybe... he wasn't a Supreme King destined only to kill millions to make some stupid card. Maybe he wasn't such a screw up.
He stared and stared at this image before him, the more he did, the more he believed what was running through his feverish head, he found himself jealous of this fictitious other Juudai in the mirror, he began to hate himself, his life, everything. He loathed this image of himself, it was like it was mocking him, because he had the life he wanted but felt he could never have.
His expression became angrier. As his rage grew, he pressed his hand down harder and harder onto the glasses surface. All he felt was this raging anger, he wasn't aware of anything else, other than this strange sound he could hear in his head, it sounded like distant terrified screaming and yelling.
Eventually his eyes began fading from brown to a burning gold, the more anger he felt, the more brightly they shined and the more pressure he put on the mirror with his hand.
He had to die, this other Juudai in the mirror with this perfect life had to die.
At that moment there was a cracking sound as a large crack appeared in the mirror close to where his hand was, then all of a sudden, the entire mirror shattered into tiny pieces, snapping Juudai out of his trance, the sounds in his head fading away and his eyes returning back to normal.
Did he do that?

Shocked and scared, Juudai looked down at his shaking hand. Turning it over, he found it was covered in blood from where the shards of glass had cut him. He looked around in a panic, no body else was in the room with him, so he quickly made his way out and down the corridor, trying to conceal his wounded hand as he did.

The corridor walls seemed to sway and dance around him as he walked, making him feel sick and woozy again, the painful throbbing from his hand was not helping with how he was feeling. He was sure if he just made the Doctor's class and got to sit down, he'll be fine, of course he'll be fine....
Stumbling, he tried to ignore the people staring at him as he passed, their questions on if he was okay, their comments that he didn't look well.
The corridor danced and swirled, until he suddenly just felt like he was falling into a black nothing, he felt he had no strength anymore, so he just waited to hit whatever was below him.
Only that didn't seem to happen.
Instead he seemed to float down into what seemed to be someone's arms, that instantly wrapped around him gently, allowing him to rest his weary head on their chest. Eventually, the one who caught him sat down and allowed him to just lean against them, one arm was holding him, one hand stroking his chocolate orange hair softly. Juudai felt so weak, but somehow, this embrace felt warm and caring.
After about five minutes had passed, Juudai found the strength to finally open his eyes slightly, although his vision blurred at first as the brightness of where he was hit his eyes, he soon recognized the arm that was holding onto him.
With that, he uttered out a name in a frail whisper.
"Yu... bel..."

Yubel gave Juudai a caring but sad smile as she watched him close his eyes again, he seemed content with being in her arms.

"Yes. I am here, Juudai"

"Hm...." Juudai faintly nodded to acknowledge that he heard her, his breathing was still heavy and fast, his cheeks flushed a bright red due to the fever he had.

"Your soul has become tired and frail, it feels older than it should, but do not worry, we are going to help you"

As Yubel spoke, Juudai's other spirits appeared around them. The Neo Spacians, Neos and Hane Kuriboh all looked around each other, then down at Juudai and Yubel. Juudai could not bring himself to re-open his eyes again, but he felt their presence... it felt warm and soothing to him.

"Rest, Juudai"
Upon hearing Yubel's final words to him, he found himself giving up to the want to sleep. He felt comfortable and safe here with his spirits and in Yubel's arms.
He felt like he didn't have to worry anymore.
In reality, Juudai's feverish and unconscious body lay in the corridor he had collapsed in.

((So while I'm at Amecon, Juudai will be unconscious for most of the weekend. He may regain consciousness a few times, but it will only be for a few seconds and the fever will make him so out of it, he won't realize anyone is there, or react to anything anyone says. On Sunday, which just so happens to be his birthday, his fever will be a lot worse, but it'll then burn out late Sunday and go down to a mild fever. I'll post an event when he wakes up on Monday when I get back.
Yeah, the poor thing is really really sick, and he's missing his birthday too ;o; I'm so mean. But I know they'll be plenty of characters to visit him and keep him company. This information I have left you in case you want to post about visiting him ect. \o/

Also no one will know what's going on with Juudai and Yubel 'n co. They're just kind of using their spirit mojo to try and revitalize Juudai's worn out and weary soul~~))

log post, sick juudai is sick

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