Jan 01, 2015 20:33

Oh hey. Happy new year.
I think I am getting closer to archiving this old beast of a blog and setting up shop somewhere... not here. (Just like everyone else?)  I sort of already have done that, on Twitter. (Har. I be funny.)

Here are things I am thinking about:
-teens are frustrating.  I am bad at forcing them to make the decisions I want them to make, so I try to make it REALLLLLYYY easy to make the ones I want. They still don't. So, they do things like plagiarize, refuse to actually do work and fail instead, and generally insist on learning things the hard way. Personally, I think it's actually the most interesting way to learn anything, but it makes WAY more work for me. And I kind of feel like I have enough work.  BUT.... (segue to next point...)

-I am not actually as busy as I feel.  My addictive personality has just gone into slightly more socially acceptable addictions. Namely, really shitty casual cell phone games. Seriously. I am simultaneously glad and disappointed that Candy Crush doesn't have a /played. (It was enough to get me to quit WoW back in the day.)
I'm not quite ready to admit I have a problem, though. So, until then I will... attempt to.. keep the cell phone out of the bedroom, social situations, and work? (That's right... hiiiiiide the problem.)  Okay, fine. I will now allow myself an hour a day to nerd out on the stupid games. At least then it will be contained. (And it will probably result in LESS gaming, honestly.)

- the pressure is increasing on the "we should have kids" front. Unfortunately, it's not pressure from me.  I am still REALLY not on the "YES LETS HAVE BABIES RIGHT MEOW!" team. But that guy I married? The one I really love and want to help be happy?  He's over there waving the team colours.  So. You know. There's that.  I don't know if I'm making selfish excuses, but I think part of it is the exhaustion. (I dunno... I still think something might be going on physically, but any of my Dr. appts always say I am super healthy.)  I can barely make it through a day myself... much less myself plus another teeny mammal.

-spontaneous basement bathroom reno! Yaaayyy!! Ombre walls? Maybe?  (Maybe I am just avoiding *actual* work?)  Okay, so "reno" actually means $100 worth of flooring, some paint, and a new vanity, but that tiny little terrible room is going to look AWESOME in a few days. (a few weeks?)

-back to work in 4 days.  This break has been necessarily chill. I slept a lot. and cleaned a bit.  I am in a weird rest phase, lately.  I am moderately ashamed of myself, but i think it's inauthentic; more of a self-loathing thing than an actual dislike.  (Honestly. My favorite thing to do these days is hang out in my house and do house-y things, like clean and organize. I'm not even successfully crafting.)

-I kind of miss people. But not so much that I will actually make a point of hanging out with them. Or even bother to shower if we ARE about to hang out.  (Oh man. Have my neurotic issues now surfaced as anxiety?  Naww. Probably just extreme laziness.)

-Ending on a high point: I challenged my classes to chip in like $3 each to raise funds and send a goat to someone in a developing country (came out of a Hunger Games novel study. Shush.) and offered to match it.  And then the jerkfaces raised $700.  Prettttyy cool that a handful of kids from Entitlement Town, Alberta, can pull themselves out of our bubble and actually attempt something good.

So.  Happy New Year, folks.
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