Geez Louise.

Nov 27, 2011 15:47

I've got to find better balance.

First, I'm gonna start with the positive.  Evidence of progress...

1.  The house is never perfectly tidy or clean.  Certain areas just get tidier or cleaner occasionally.  Conclusion: I have learned to let the housework go in favor of more important things.  This is coming from someone who (before children) felt obligated to clean every inch of the entire house, including the baseboards, EVERY SINGLE WEEK.

2.  My kids like me most of the time.  When I was sick in bed the other day (damn sinus infection!), the kids would periodically come in to show or tell me things and just say hi.  Tentative conclusion: I am more hands on, accessible, and fun than my own mother.

Evidence that MUCH more work needs to be done towards creating better balance in my life....

1.  I don't do ANYTHING for myself.  I mean, really, I'm barely even exaggerating at all.  I've read about a chapter in my "fun" book this month.  I haven't played computer games in months.  I haven't found a drop of time for art in months either.  My only recreation is watching TV with my husband at the end the day when we have no energy left for any other more productive kind of activity.  Wish I didn't need 9 hours of sleep, but talk to my body about that.  Lord knows I've tried.

2.  We haven't been getting together with our friends.  I've always been determined to create a sense of community for my kids.  A circle of friends.  A spiritual community.  Something.  No time or energy for developing that lately.  Plus, we have fallen behind on Geek Club events, because we're too darn tired and busy with the kids.

THE CHALLENGE:  Figuring out how to accomplish homeschooling without sacrificing too much in other arenas of our life.
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