Much better....

Sep 23, 2011 12:59

Willow had a fun day yesterday, and learned enough. She's a little antsier today, but Rowan has been so sweet about playing quietly when I am occupied with her.

Busy day--swimming later, and then Willow's kungfu, with dinner somehow squished in there.

We have our new rescue cat quarantined in our bedroom for now, and she was a huge pain last night. Jumping on us playfully when we moved in our sleep. Walking around our heads asking for attention. Kneading loudly on the blanket, giving me nightmares about pulled strings and big holes.

I'm so sleepy--I feel like I have a newborn.

Still on my muffin kick. Apple cinnamon today. Had one. Want two. Too sleepy to write in complete sentences. Need coffee.....
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