Tanning, fights, & makeups

May 01, 2006 17:48

Well, this morning was bad. It's like no matter what, Jon and I are fighting all the time. I think it has to do with the fact that we are hitting that stage in our relationship. He just acts like a jackass all the time now, and I can't figure out why he's doing it. I think he's not doing it intentionally, I really think that it was the way that he was raised. I think that since his mom is one of these women's rights people, who thinks women can and should do everything for themselves. On the other hand, I believe that women should be treated with respect, and in a way held up on a pedastal. His mom is also one of these, "if it's not about me then I don't care" people, and I notice that he acts like that a lot too. I never fully noticed it in his mom until we had dinner on Saturday with my mom. I was embarrassed by the way his mom acted.

After that, I went up to Blockbuster and finished my paperwork & got set up there. I was so happy to get all of that finished up too. Then I went and did some errands, because you just can't avoid it. Then I went and signed up for a month of tanning, and boy was my face freckled after. I can't tell that I'm any tanner yet though. It usually takes a while. I bought some tanning lotion there too and the bottle is so neat looking.

Well, Jon and I have made up and I'm trying to put some stuff on my mom's iPod, so that I can put the cd in the mail since I sold it on Amazon. If you have any books that you need to get rid of, you should really try to sell it there as opposed to ebay, because you aren't charged a fee until the book is actually sold. Well, anyway, I'm off to finish that, and play with my mom's new toy.

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