
Sep 06, 2006 23:16

I thought I'd remember everything that was said and done that day and maybe find a way to tell it sometime. But I didn't. I forgot it all, or nearly. What I do remember is that I heard our name used a lot that afternoon, my dad's name and mine. But I knew they were talking about my dad. Raymond, these people kept saying in their beautiful voices ( Read more... )

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duh midwestrut September 7 2006, 17:56:41 UTC
your real homework is making out with me, and you've got a lot of late assignments, young man.


Re: duh i_like_dying September 8 2006, 01:31:03 UTC
can i make them up.. after class?
i think i need some extra help

(lifetime movie porno, take four)


Re: duh midwestrut September 10 2006, 03:38:51 UTC
i wanna sess you up (i put roofies in your dsfsdfsdsf there is no escape!)


Re: duh midwestrut September 10 2006, 03:40:12 UTC
all i ever comment about is sessies


Re: duh i_like_dying September 10 2006, 21:31:24 UTC
i'm sleepy


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