boredom left me nooo choice

Dec 12, 2004 19:31

[Spell your first name backwards]: Annej

[The story behind your user name]: um.....i need a name and ilike cursive so ...yeah

[Where do you live?]: San Bernardino


[Wallet]: ummm its yellow duct tape..... wiht a black happy face on it...a little girl wiht cance made it for me

[Jewelry worn daily]: um two strin things around my wrist. belly button rung. 3 rings

[Shoes]: um black flats with a little bow

[Handbag]: horses!!!

[Favorite Shirt]: my black long sleeved lonnggg shirt

[Perfume/Cologne]: curious or ralph lauren

[Piercing]: uh belly button and ears ?

[What you are wearing now]: jeans, socks, a black cami, striped knitted shirt and my brothers rockett sweater

[Makeup]: hmm i have foundation, powder, eyeliner, white eyeshadow, yellow eye shadow mascara and blush

[On my mind]: why that makes me feel so shtty

[Wishing]: things were ok with that

[Talking to]: carlos

[Eating]: nothing

[favorite movie]: i dont have one favorite its too hard

[something you're looking forward to in the upcoming months]:
the 30th...six flags triippppp yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh

[The last thing you ate?]: garlic cheese bread

[Something that you are deathly afraid of?]: parked trucks...ehhhhhh :(

[Do you believe in love]: yeah

[Do you believe in soul mates]: i dunno

[Do you believe in love at first sight]: heck no that is sooo stupid

[Do you believe in forgiveness]: yes a little too much onfortunately

[What are some of your favorite pig out foods?]: pizza, crazy bread...ohh i want some sooo badddddddd....french fries

[What's something you wish you could understand better?]: why people think you wont get hurt jsut being with someone but as soon as you go out wiht them someone will get hurt....stupid. feelings are gonna be there...its just a stupid title.

[Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?]: ari bri rosie becca......jennessa...i saw her at the mall and got tears in my eyes cuz i miss her so much ughh

[Cried?]: last night

[Gotten sick]: thanksgiving break

[Eaten?]: like 2 hours ago

[Been kissed?]: ummm friday night ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

[Felt stupid?]: omg friday night!!!! im the stupidest person aliveee

[Told someone you loved them]: today brother

[Met someone new?]: not for awhile

[Moved on?]: friday

[Talked to an ex?]: today

[Talked to someone you have a crush on?]: dumb

[Had a serious talk?]: yesterday

[Hugged someone?]: today

[Fought with your parents?]: last night

[Done something your parents said no to]: i usually listen to them

[Would you rather be with friends or on a date?]: FRIENDS

[Where is the best hangout?]:candices car

[Who Do you like being around?]: candice, megan, ari, bri, carlos ::both::, shannele, ceci, shea, jordan elena....and those are the people that i see on a reg basis...well somewhat reg...

[Have you known the longest]: kyle wooley

[Do you argue the most with?]: probalby... janelle lol

[Do you always get along with?]: megan


[Makes you laugh the most?]: i think carlos fernandez, bri, ari, candice and shannele all tie

[Has been there through all the hard times?]: candice and megan

[Has the coolest parents?]: me ha!

[Has the coolest siblings?]: ari! little one shoed bella!

[Is the most blunt?]:choppy

[Is the smartest?]: carlos f

[Who is your role model?]: ariana flores

[Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with?]: always

[Have you ever cried over the opposite sex?]:has anyone not?

[Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you]: sadly yes

[Rather be the dumper or dumped?]: dumped cuz i hateeee hurting people

[Rather have a relationship or a "hookup"?]: depends

[Ever liked your best guy/girl friend?]: at one point yes

[Want to get married?]: someday

[Want kids?]:yeah chubby ones....if they arent chubby im sending them away....not really

[Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time?]: i dont know

[What is your favorite part of the opposite sex ((physical appearance))?]: lips and back....and im really feeling the veins in the arms

[Are you happy with you?]: usualyl like once a month

[Are you happy with your life?]: somedays
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