Sep 07, 2005 19:50
umm...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Ah yes. I've come to find out that i'm alone again. Not only lonely, but craving for a stog which is a foot away from me. Yeah, i'm trying to quit. It's pretty damn hard. I gotta preoccupy myself from smoking. haha getting sick and feeling like your throat has fifty million cuts on it sucks. I don't know. It's like everyone has just turned their back on me. I don't like it at all.
School? School is great. Well it would be if i didn't fuck up my schedule. I'm there from 7AM - 9PM. hahah that's pretty fucked up. i'm dropping my damn chem class at 6:45, so the latest i would get out would be like 4 or something. I knew i should've taken a break. But my Nikki is always right and i might as well finish this now rather than never...=/
I'm so bored right now. I don't know what to write so might as well do a damn survey...hmm lemme find one. ahh here we go. Found this one on Khathy's.
01. how many times can you honestly say you've been in love? Twice. 1 of them i'm still. =]
02. how many serious boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? Serious? I'd have to see 2.
03. when was your first date & who was it with? haha first date would have to be valentine's day with Nikki...she didn't even know it was a date so iono, you be the judge? i
04. do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate? Soulmate? yeah, why not.
05. when do you think that you'll get married? Umm maybe in about 3-5 years?
06. do you think that you should become friends with someone before dating them? sometimes. haha i've kinda dated a couple people without being their friends first ahhaha.
07. do you believe that opposites attract? This is probably the most truest thing in the world. hahaha right babe? *wink*
08. what traits do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend? I got a whole list, but i've thrown it out hte window. I learned that we shouldn't have a standard in which we should find the person that was really meant for us. But the thing i look for the most, is if they're cute. i just love cute girls. I might have learned something but doesnt mean i'll put it into practice.
09. what is your dream date? Dream date? I'm a realist. As a guy, the guys would also agree to this too,
me: hi, I'm Jericho
girl: hi, i'm so-and-so, let's have sex.
me: Now that's what i call a date!
hahaha every guy wouldn't turn it down. Unless they were gay...trusstttt me. haha you could even try it with a guy. Say your name and say you want to fuck in a real serious voice with a serious lustful look, then when he takes off his pants, just say you were kidding.
10. have you ever had your heart broken? nope, but a crack appears everytime i don't see my baby.
11. where do you want your wedding to take place? I'll have my fiance do the planning...hahah i'm lazy. I really don't care where it is, just as long as my fiance shows up and doesn't leave me at the altar. OH NO! RUNAWAY BRIDGE PART II! SHIET..
13. where do you want to go for your honeymoon? Hawaii damnit! In my house on the beach side.
14. what do you think about long-distance relationships? don't even want to think about it. It's stupid. Seriously. If they really loved each other, they would work something out so that they can be together.
15. your thoughts on online relationships? haha never works either.
16. would you rather date someone five years older or five years younger than you? I'm 18, so a 23 or 13? Hmm, i'm definitely going to choose that 13 year old girl...hahaha sick...older of course.
18. have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend? I've seen too many friends a litle more than a sucks, looking at the girl and knowing nothing could ever happen...
19. are you a hopeless romantic? I used to be. If you think you're a hopeless romantic, then that's what you'll always be forever. You have to just let it happen instead of thinking it should happen a certain way.
20. are you the romantic type? I love being romantic. I try to be as much as possible, but i end saying the corniest shit ever. hahaha
21. do you believe the statement, "Once a cheater always a cheater"? Of course. Because i myself being a cheater in life, know that cheating on your girlfriend is the one type of cheating that should never happen. If it does happen, it'll happen again and again, because its an easier way than working with what you have.
23. do most of your stories & poems you write revolve around love? Most of the time. Sometimes it's just how about life sucks so much.
24. have you ever fallen for a pen pal? I don't really like writing letters.
25. have you ever been in a love triangle? Hell no, i know better than to get stuck in one of those bitches. hahaha. i hate all triangles. Triangles in math, bermuda triangle. Pyramid schemes. haha all triangles.
26. must love be felt to be truly understood? Love can never be truly understood, but to even grasp the idea, you must feel it and give it in someway.
27. are you a shy lover or a vibrant lover? I'm pretty shy, yet open. It really depends on what. I don't mind PDA's
28. do you believe that marriage is something sacred? Always, the church intensifies the bond with God.
29. are you for or against couples living together without getting married? whatever. it's all the same.
30. have you ever asked someone out on a date? i think so? I don't know. Maybe...doubtful. Guys don't get asked out on dates.
31. ever been stood up on a date? nope. I've only had 1 real one, and she picked me up. hahaha. so there was no way i could've been stood up cuz i was still at home.
32. have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt & you cried? I believe so. It sucks, but sometimes it's needed.
33. are you/have you ever been married? Nope. I'd like to be though.
34. did you go to prom, if so, with who? Yesiree bob! Nikki, on both mine and hers.
35. do you enjoy school dances? Eww, no. I hate dancing.
36. how many kids do you want to have? Over 10. hahaha oh yes.
37. is there someone who you really like at the moment? Not only like, but love.
38. have you ever been secretly in love? haha i used to be...but it somehow died. but came back to life!
39. have you ever sent someone something on Valentines Day? haha a candy was a mistake.
40. have you ever had a secret admirer? Nope, but if i did have one, it would probably be a gay guy.
41. have you ever been a secret admirer? haha maybe. it i was, then it'll be kept a secret still.
43. do you usually fall for a wrong guy or the right guy? No, because my heart tells me whether the girl is right or wrong. and my heart is 99.999999% right all the time.
44. are you a lover or a fighter? I love my lover, and i'd fight to get my lover.
45. what do you think about interracial couples? Jungle fever has been spreading like wildfire, but it's fine, times are changing and why not relationships?
46. do you believe in divorce? Nope, if you make a commitment that serious, then keep it, for better or worse . that's how it always goes.
47. are you parents still together or are they divorced? together and yet not.
48. what is your favorite color on the opposite sex? My favorite color on a girl would have to be red. I don't know, it sounds pretty damn cliche but it just turns me on. RAWR
49. what are your views on gay marriages? Gays = no no. But then again, let them marry, so they can get the fuck away from me. I've been hit on too many gay guys and if some of them are married, that's 2 less gay guys i have to worry about.
50. do you think its okay for best friends to become couples? haha isn't that always the case? If not now, then later. It's inevitable, you can't be best friends with the opposite sex and not have a crush on them. It's quite impossible, unless you were gay.
51. have you ever broken someones heart? Probably and i'm really sorry about it. REALLY! I AM!
52. have you ever given or been given roses? Nope. Roses are gay.
54. have you ever been to a dating site? hahahahaa HELL NO! I have more game than that. I'm not that desperate ya know? lol
56. what do think of E-harmoney, etc? Bullshit
57. have you ever met someone you met online & fallen in love with them? Haha, that's how me and Nikki are together. lol it's quite hilarious how we've could've met so many times, when we used to talk to each other online, but didn't.
58. have you ever been engaged? Nope.
59. has someone ever proposed marriage to you? Nope.
60. are you the one who makes the move or do you wait for them to make the move? I usually make the move, but in my head i'm not supposed to.
61. do you flirt or are you not a flirter? Flirting is my forte.
62. how do you act around the guy/girl you like? Pretty disgraceful
63. have you ever seen the movie The Notebook? Yep. That's some damn dedication.
64. what is your all time favorite romance movie? I'd have to say it's not a movie but this one story i read online. It was pretty damn crazy. I forgot what it was called. I think it was like "saddest love story of all time." or something like that with like a girl name eun ji or someshit IONO!
65. do you read Romance novels? Hmm. Not that i know of.
66. favorite Video Game Romance? Video game romance? LOL wtf? I'd have to say ghouls n' ghosts, because arthur goes through a bunch of shit just to get his damn princess. IT'S A FUCKEN HARD ASS GAME!
68. imagine you're 79 & your spouse just died, would you remarry after they died & you were married for 60 years? Nah, just bust a romeo and juliet and give up and die also.
69. is remarriage betrayal? No. But it's pretty damn sad. I don't think i could ever forget about my wife if she ever died.
70. what do you think of pre-arranged marriages? haha it sucks. What if you get married to a 500lb girl. Think about jumping on that saddle. *cringes*
71. do you know anyone who has had their marriage annulled? Nope.
72. does romance make you gag? Romance makes me horny.
73. at what age did you start noticing the opposite sex? haha i was a late bloomer. I started noticing the opposite sex in like 8th-9th grade.
74. what song do you want played as you walk down the aisle? Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing. ahahahhaahahaha
75. does Love conquer all? No, but it can be something for someone to conquer all!
76. are most High School kids infatuated or in love? If it's love, then they won't have sex in the next 2 days. hahaha cuz that's how most high school relationships work. AWW let's go out! 2 days later: I love you. OMG I LOVE YOU TOO! *insert porn music*
77. who was your first love? Enrisel.
78. what's the longest you've ever liked someone? About a 2 years. It was torture. Never going to put myself through something like that ever again. I should've told her, but i just couldn't...
79. do you have any friends who are already married? haha yeah! hahaha Congratulations JAN AND ENRISEL! And on the baby too!
80. would you give up everything for love? In about a year, i believe i could say yes to this question.
81. love songs, yeah or naw? fuck yeah! Slow jam love songs are the shit!
82. will your life be incomplete without love? Yep.
Ok, that took me an hour. that was pretty exhausting. blah life sucks.