
Mar 09, 2009 21:18

I'm getting too obsessed with this new fandom *_-

sorry f-list for my lack of not-fanfiction updates (and lack of commenting), but it kind of works like this for me:P watch something, watch something twice, get obsessed, collect icons-pictures-screencaps, make new icons, write fanfiction.


I moved back home anyway. I had to throw out half my old stuff to fit in my room again. Having two rooms in two different cities had some good points. Now my room looks like a second hand shop full of useless items.

and I have to start reading these stupid books with law-stuff in them. *hates*

other super-interesting news: I started drinking a spoon of apple cider vinegar once a day because some get healthy and anorexic article said that I will lose weight like WHOA with it. So far I was only nauseated for like half an hour after swallowing that tastes-like-really-REALLY-bad-wine thing. bleh.


the filling is a bit... meh... but hey, the whole thing is made of cocoa and lots of sugar so I couldn't go that wrong.


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