
Nov 08, 2008 20:46

Okay! So, as you could guess, I should be studying. whatever. I'll only end up homeless and unemployed BUT WITH A DEGREE! TOP THAT!


so instead I watched the new (meaning season 4) How I Met Your Mother episodes and now I want Barney and Robin together. Like MAKE OUT AGAIN!!! together. And I really couldn't care less for Ted's wife to be honest.
Neil Patrick Harris is LOVE.



I watched the first two episodes of SVU. I mean the very first two, season 1 eps. I don't know why I left these out. I mean I downloaded like 5 seasons and then some, and then I deleted 2 because, uh-oh NO! and then kind of forgot about these two.

WHY? THEY'RE AWESOME! EYE!SEX SUBTEXT! everything you need. However, there were a few things I didn't really understand, like:
1, Olivia's mother... uhm... isn't she supposed to kinda hate Olivia? And have a bad relationship with her? And be a drunk? Instead they chit-chat in a restaurant (well not so much chit-chat, but they're getting on just fine, and she is all lovey-dovey and saying things like she wouldn't have Olivia if she hadn't been raped, wtf) and oh... she drinks wine?
2, Elliot being all top-cop and knowing everything and treating Olivia like she doesn't really know how to do her job. I got that she just transferred to svu but I think she knows what she bargained for.

But they kind of forget about these things in later episodes, so whatever. But there were a lot of awesome things the writers also forgot about. Like the touching your partner every second scene and smiling at each other and standing FUCKING INCHES to each other! What happened to that? We get a little angst in every season, but these two eps were full of pretty fangirl stuff!
And there were also things like, Cragen always eating sweats, Cassidy being FUNNY and not at all irritating, MUNCH ACTUALLY GETTING SCREEN TIME and others. What happened? I mean I watched the whole show this summer and got this: season 1, 2 and 3 were filled with great eps, then season 4 and 5 were like blah, whatever, season 6 was Elliot getting divorced, so hopes up but OF COURSE nothing happened then FAULT-BLACKOUT! and then wtf-Olivia-going-undercover-Elliot-kissing-DaniBeck-WTF and then going back to angsting and THEN GETTING YOUR EX PREGNANT and then car accident and stupid boyfriends. AND now season 10. huh. sorry.

so. what was I talking about? The first two eps ROCK. BRING BACK THE CONSTANT TOUCHING! pretty please?

barney/robin, law and order: svu, how i met your mother, stuff

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