So. About a year ago I decided to grow my hair a bit because I had enough of the short hairstyle, and it was time to change, anyway. So right now, it's about shoulder-lenght.
It's not really that interesting. What IS, is that all my male(guy, whatever) classmates(meaning two), started to say: "You look good."
so translation ONE: You don't look good, we are just a year older and learned that girls like it when someone says it.
TWO: You look good, who the hell are you, and why haven't I noticed you before?
Also a lot of my girl"friends"(duh...) say that I have changed. Of course they don't say, that I've changed for good or bad.
So House, MD season premiere this morning. It was kinda boring. But the House/Wilson bits were just WIN.
This scene in particular marriage partner, whatever counseling. There expressions are priceless.
also the new Grey's anatomy promo. Anyone really believes that Derek is going to die? In the first episode? And we get a sneak preview of that? Come on... Meredith came back after being drown for 1 hour or so -_-
*wanders off*