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bzoink!General InformationState your full name.christine marie brienzaDo you like your name?It's fine.If you could change it, would you, and to what?anastasia felicia lucia maria brienza. My Dad wanted me to be named that. (rip daddi-o.)Tell me your age.fifteen. and a mother fucking half. LMAO.Relationships/LoveWhat do you want your wedding to be like?Not in a church. I want to be really happy, that's all.Tell me the perfect setting for when you have sex.Music playing ,lights low... FUCK this sounds lame. I want music and low lights. shut up.Have you ever been in love?I'll get back to you.Are you in love?previous response.Your opinionsRock music is..rocking?Pop music is..popular.Your thoughts on anarchyIt will never work. It is a lame, un thought out idea. People who support it are usually immature fucs.Do you believe in God?no.FavoritesType of musicanything I can dance to, dear.BandThat's hard to answer!FoodPASTA & SUSHI!Thing to doNothing & to be totally comfortable with it.Thing to sayI like saying lots of things. Weird, I know.Person to talk toAt the moment; Briana & Lauren.Subject in schoolI really like them all. I know, I'm weird.ParentMy mom.Color, and whycamoflauge. Because it is Green&Brown. And my father was a Marine.AuthorMitch AlbomBookThe perks or being a Wallflower/ Speak.CandyI'm not picky. Whatever is Vegan.Last, just random questions and things about you.Do you like yourself?No.What do you like about yourself?Everyone can relate to me? What dont you like about yourself?I annoy the fuck out of myself.Can you play any instruments?Yes. I sing.Are you depressed?No? are you?Have you ever been suicidal?hahaha. Good times with the school nurse.Do you do drugs?No.Do you drink alcohol?eh, Nope.Do you miss anyone right now? Who?Actually, no.What do you want to do with your life?Find true happiness and that one person I could never let leave.What's something you know you want to accomplish before you die?Above response.Do you think that I love you?I don't know you?You best, because I do.
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