I'm Old.

Jan 28, 2005 16:33

High School: Final Year
[What year was it?]

[What were your three favorite bands?]
Blink 182, Green Day, Fenix TX... I was such a pop-punker, I was hot. You would have loved me if you knew me, but there's a good chance that you did know me and, for that matter, love me. Unless you're Tim, he didn't love me.

[What was your favorite outfit?]
I was "Most Unique", I would wear Neon Green PJ Pants w/ a blue bathing suit over them and then a bright orange shirt. I don't know why I had so many friends. My most favvvvvvvvvvvvve couture was my Maroon (5... ha... that's a band.) Courtoroids (I have NO idea how to spell that) a blue long sleeved shirt, w/ my Nerdcore shirt over it & my glasses without lenses. Ya'll need to see my yearbook picture, I look pretty "banging".

[What was up with your hair?]
Spiky and about 8 inches high for most of my school years, sometimes bleached, sometimes I shaved it off, sometimes I dyed it black, blue, neon green, etc.

[Who were your best friends?]
Rachel, Michelle, Jay, Jennalyn, Adam "Boom" Bostick, Christine Griffis, P. Diddy Perez, Joey Hattfield, Amy, Sarah, THE Jen Ragen...

[What did you do after school?]
Work @ a Day Care or Movie Theater

[Did you take the bus?]
I'd start w/ the 88, 66, 14, 20, or 58 and then hop on the 70.

[Who did you have a crush on?]
I had fake crushes on girls... except for Jill Stoerrle, she was hot! & my Jen Ragen. I thought Adam & James Egan were cute but I was *OBSESSED* w/ Rich a few months before I graduated... now look where I am. I can't stand him. I'm kidding, I love you baby!

[Did you fight with your parents?]
Yeah, over stupid stuff.

[Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on?]
Awwwww man... it wasn't always as easy as Johnny Depp. Britney, of course, Gwen Stefani, Mark Hoppus... man, I can not remember all of them.

[Did you smoke cigarettes?]
No, in fact I was livid when Rachel started.

[Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker?]
My locker was the best.

[Did you have a 'clique'?]
Like five of them.

[Did you have "The Max" like Zach, Kelly and Slater?]
I have never seen an episode of "Saved By The Bell"... yet, I know the whole theme song.

[Admit it, were you popular?]
I had like four or five haters, but I was very popular.

[Who did you want to be just like?]
People wanted to be like me.

[What did you want to be when you grew up?]

[Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now?]
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