uhm humm

Apr 12, 2007 20:58

i played a game of StarCraft today. and i won. against three computer players. in fact, i totally destroyed. well, not really. i also played a one on one game yesterday and won that, too. in fact, it was really cool that i won that one, because i was Zerg and fighting against Protoss, which is usually my worst matchup against the computer because the computer will just use a bunch of psionic storms and even though it has practically nothing left, it will destroy massive portions of my armies. because even the most powerful Zerg units don't have many hit points. but i used cool strategies, like parasites for scouting and spawn broodlings on their high templar and plague with defilers buried just outside the computer's base. plague and spawn broodlings and parasite all rule. and then i crept a group of lurkers into their northern base, while i attacked their western base with my guardians and retreated to recover every time i got hit with a psionic storm. once it got to that really irritating point where the computer is out of resources and their only defense is high templar, i used spawn broodlings on all their high templar and easily took out the rest of their base with lurkers. totally cool. then today, i thought i was going to get rushed, but i didn't, so i ended up behind on bases because i'd spent so much time reinforcing my first one. i was Terran, and i put two SCVs and two seige tanks on this ridge just below this base the Protoss had established, and i built like 6 or 8 missile turrets on this ridge and then hit the base with my seige tanks and it was cool because i had enough turrets there that the computer couldn't hit me from the air or drop anything onto the ridge because they'd get killed. so i eventually put some goliaths and more turrets up there, and once i'd taken out all the probes from this base, i sent a couple more seige tanks in to take out the rest of it, and i only had like 6 seige tanks, 6 goliaths, and 4 missile turrets to defend that base for the rest of the game. then i was about even as far as bases, and waited out a bunch of attacks from the 2 remaining computers, then made an army of like 5 seige tanks and 4 vultures and took out the one computer's only remaining base, and then i built like 6 battlecruisers, 6 wraiths, a science vessel, and 2 nuclear silos and took out this island base in the center. and then i basically used nukes and seige tanks to take out the rest of the computer's high templar and dark archons and photon cannons. then i sent in my 6 battlecruisers and finished them off and it was way cool. i was proud of myself. but not really. it's been way too long since i played StarCraft, but lately i find myself using cool strategies like plague and burying defilers just outside my opponent's base and irradiate and spawn broodlings and parasite for scouting the enemy base and psionic storm and using missile turrets and seige tanks on ridges to take out workers at a base and lining the perimeter of my base and choke points like bridges with spider mines and actually using vultures (which actually rule) and high templar and queens and defilers and dark templar and corsairs (which are actually really annoying to fight against).

i found out on YouTube that there's an actual StarCraft league in Korea and i watched a couple of battles from it, and they have the game speed set really high and it's so different from what i'm used to, against the computer (where there's a giant rush or two at the beginning and then they only send 4 or 5 units at a time to your base after that, and it's a battle to see who can establish themselves the best) or against other people (which i haven't done in a while, but it sometimes involved a rush or two, and lots of building massive armies and sending huge groups of the most powerful air units at once). it was really cool to watch, because there's no setting up huge defenses from the very start, and absolutely constant attacking and unit production, but usually low to middle-level units, unless the games run very long, which they usually don't. anyways, it was cool, and i'm learning ways that i can totally pwn Bryan Channas if we ever play again and i'm sure i'll be addicted to watching these replays because they're just so damn cool.

i went running today, too. that was alright. i have a big calculus test tomorrow that i have to study for, too. and i have a big physics assignment due, too. and i'm going to see Government Warning on Saturday in DC. and supposedly Anqi is in a band with Jake Winstanley, and they're playing somewheres on Friday, so i'll probably go see that. and i've been playing a lot of Pokemon. i'm about to beat Sabrina in Saffron City. i gave Anqi my blue version, too, and she's been playing, too. tomorrow i'm going to buy a link cable and we'll trade Pokemon. and at some point, we'll have to buy another game so we can get Bulbasaur and Squirtle and Jolteon and Flareon and complete our Pokedexes. that will be cool, i know it. and then i'll finally be able to go to the guy in the Celadon Mansion who says to come see him when you've got all 150 pokemon in your pokedex. i forget what he gives you, so it should be cool. i can't wait to finish studying so i can play Pokemon and watch replays of professional StarCraft games and then go to sleep. i need to cut my fingernails.
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